Dividend Increases Week Ending 12/16/2022

Hi all,

Most Return to
Current Recent Dividend Interest Payout 4 Yr. Payout Years 4 Yr 4 Yr Yield
Symbol Yield Increase 5 Yr. CAGR Coverage Ratio Ratio M* Sector Growth Avg. Yield Upside
AMGN 3.19% 9.8% 10.0% 7.7 42% 40% Healthcare 11 Years 2.87% 11.07%
WEC 3.28% 7.2% 7.1% 4.1 65% 65% Utilities 19 Years 2.79% 17.49%
BEN 4.66% 3.4% 5.5% 20.8 32% 35% Financial Services 25 Years 4.73% -1.46%
WDFC 2.07% 6.4% 9.0% 31.8 64% 59% Consumer Defensive 13 Years 1.33% 55.52%

I own AMGN and WEC. And if either drops to a current yield of 3.5% or better I may buy more!
