My birthday is actually in April but one of my sisters is traveling that week. My sisters and parents decided to take me out to dinner last weekend up in Boston. We had a terrific time and Davio’s.
But then came the shocking news Dublin in 2030 will be going under water. One of my sisters stating she might buy a house elsewhere in Europe. Stating further that my closest cousins may not be in Ireland for their retirements. The other sister stating lets end up in the same place.
What you are about to see does not wait for 2050. It submerges much sooner.
Sandymount is where my dad’s parents had a house. Howth will be an island. Howth is northern Dublin. Swords is where the airport is. You can see in the thick of the population up into Temple Bar which is well into central Dublin is going into the red.
Adding The Irish Passport service has my documentation. There is a tracker involved. The service is saying my Irish passport will be validated by mid April.