Eastern Peaches Are Peaking Now!

“Eastern peaches” (from GA or SC) are absolutely scrumptious right now!! Stores advertise them as “tree ripened”, but they’re hard as can be for a couple of days. Then they ARE like tree ripened and fantastic! (NOT California peaches; those turn to mush when they ripen at home, for some reason.)

They are juicy, sweet, and incredible right now!!!

Just saying…


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“Eastern peaches” (from GA or SC) are absolutely scrumptious right now!! Stores advertise them as “tree ripened”, but they’re hard as can be for a couple of days. Then they ARE like tree ripened and fantastic! (NOT California peaches; those turn to mush when they ripen at home, for some reason.)

IMO, the store peaches are not like tree ripened after a few days. In the past 30 years, I have not bought a store peach after eating a locally grown peach directly from the farmer.



No question. True, tree-ripened anything is best! But we have no local peaches hereabouts, so these are a good second.


I just picked up 10 seedling from a local lady in mass. her trees produce for over 30 years. so I am planting them around the farm and hoping they are good ones.

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"“Eastern peaches” (from GA or SC) are absolutely scrumptious right now!! Stores advertise them as “tree ripened”, but they’re hard as can be for a couple of days. Then they ARE like tree ripened and fantastic! (NOT California peaches; those turn to mush when they ripen at home, for some reason.)

They are juicy, sweet, and incredible right now!!!

Just saying…

Vermonter "

My last trip to the grocery had strawberries going for $0.99 a quart - in the upstate of SC.
The peaches are just coming into season for the farm markets and shift up the coast to
Maryland and Pennsylvania by mid-July.

Yellow jackets are loving it.