I am somewhat skeptical of the sensationalist headlines put out by some news organizations.
There is definitely a drought in the West. Water reservoir levels in California are lower than normal, and most of us have read about the situation with Lake Mead. I don’t know about the South, and it probably depends on which crops we are discussing. The Central Plains, however, are actually looking pretty good in terms of the grain crops produced there. The main corn growing states are Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska, plus parts of surrounding states. The corn crop is looking healthy for this time of the summer.
Current crop conditions in Iowa:
As of August 14, Iowa’s corn crop is about 65% in good or excellent condition. Other grain crops in Iowa are looking pretty good, as well. Soybeans about 60% good or excellent.
Overall for the US, this year’s corn, soybean and wheat crops look satisfactory, if not a little above normal. It isn’t the widespread crop failure implied by certain news sources looking for clicks.
US Corn production: 14.4 billion bushels estimated, as of Aug 12.
US Soybean production: 4.53 billion bushels (at the high end of recent years)
Wheat: 1.78 billion bushels. Not a record, but not that bad either.
The charts above are the estimates for mid-August, so there could be some time for the final harvest to get a little worse or a little better from here. As the farmers say, don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. But so far, this looks like a pretty good grain harvest year in the US. Much of that grain goes to making livestock feed. In the US, a large portion of the corn crop also goes to making ethanol for blending with gasoline.
Other posters here could have different opinions, based on their own knowledge and experiences. The above is just how I see it, as of now.