
One possible clue to Mr. Manchin’s change of heart came in a line of his joint announcement with Mr. Schumer that they had secured a commitment from both Mr. Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California that Congress would approve a separate measure to address the permitting of energy infrastructure, potentially including natural gas pipelines, before the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30…

Before this new deal today. Opinion piece in todays NY Times

The American shale revolution did bring the country “energy independence,” whatever that has been worth, and more abundant oil and gas. It has indeed reshaped the entire geopolitical landscape for fuel, though not enough to strip leverage from Vladimir Putin. But the revolution wasn’t primarily a result of some market-busting breakthrough or an engineering innovation that allowed the industry to print cash. From the start, the cash moved in the other direction; the revolution happened only because enormous sums of money were poured into the project of making it happen.

Between mid-2012 and mid-2017, the 60 biggest fracking companies were losing an average of $9 billion each quarter. From 2006 to 2014, fracking companies lost $80 billion; in 2014, with oil at $100 a barrel, a level that seemed to promise a great cash-out, they lost $20 billion. These losses were mammoth and consistent, adding up to a total that “dwarfs anything in tech/V.C. in that time frame,” as the Bloomberg writer Joe Weisenthal pointed out recently. “There were all these stories written about how V.C.s were subsidizing millennial lifestyles,” he noted on Twitter. “The real story to be written is about the massive subsidy to consumers from everyone who financed Chesapeake and all the companies that lost money fracking last decade.”

At the risk of oversimplifying the never-ending complexities of energy, there is a climate lesson here — a clear contrast to draw. Fracking was nothing less than a genuine energy transition, enacted quite rapidly and at enormous upfront expense with only speculative paths to real profit, requiring large-scale infrastructure build-outs against some cultural and political resistance and yet celebrated all the while as a product of irrepressible capitalism, the almost inevitable result of the never-ending appetite Americans have for cheap energy.

And yet for a decade, as fracking boomed, Americans were told again and again — and not just by climate deniers — that rushing a green transition would be too expensive, imposing a huge burden on taxpayers, who would be footing the bill to subsidize and support a renewable build-out that couldn’t possibly be justified in terms of market logic or demand.

Clean energy has found its footing anyway, but renewables still account for only 12 percent of energy consumption in the United States, compared with 32 percent for natural gas and 36 percent for petroleum. Imagine what those figures might look like if there had been a decade of strategic subsidy and directed regulatory support…


Everett ponders
Imagine what those figures might look like if there had been a decade of strategic subsidy and directed regulatory support…

A yahoo news article about corruption Big Energy FPL and thwarting attempts to decentralize energy.


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A yahoo news article about corruption Big Energy FPL and thwarting attempts to decentralize energy.

Until now it was difficult to fight Big Energy (electric utilities) because there was no other competing source of power but with solar panels popping up everywhere and with batteries making renewables workable that is changing. It will be a hard fight but in the long run the trust busters will win.

There is a long history, the breakup of Standard Oil and MaBell, IBM’s consent decree forcing them to sell as well as rent computers, splitting GM and DuPont. It takes time and effort to slay giants.

Denny Schlesinger

May 15, 1911 | Supreme Court Orders Standard Oil to Be Broken Up…

The Du Pont-General Motors Case and the Sherman Act

IBM 1956 Consent Decree

IBM Reaches Settlement To End Consent Decree

Judge Orders Changes in Bell Divestiture Plan…


Denny:"Until now it was difficult to fight Big Energy (electric utilities) because there was no other competing source of power but with solar panels popping up everywhere and with batteries making renewables workable that is changing. It will be a hard fight but in the long run the trust busters will win.

There is a long history, the breakup of Standard Oil and MaBell, IBM’s consent decree forcing them to sell as well as rent computers, splitting GM and DuPont. It takes time and effort to slay giants"

The computer industry is littered with dead bodies…from Digital to DEC to 99% of the original PC clones of the IBM Personal Computer. Along with 100 software companies and programming languages like Pascal …obsolete in 3 years.

The AT&T divesture was the TOTAL RESULT of GOVERNMENT REGULATION and interference in making ‘long distance’ , used primarily by business, subsidize local rates to the tune of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

You’ll note that the long distance market is no more, the Baby Bells merged and are back to giants and of course provide long distance service. What did divesture actually provide? A way around state regulators who set up the subsidies in the FIRST PLACE! MCI went bankrupt along with all the other ‘long distance’ providers that the divestiture set up!. Hmmm…would have been better just to end the subsidies in the first place…rather than create then put 1 million workers out of work 15 years later.

All that was upset by the cellular revolt ion and the internet - with SKYPE and others providing near free calling and with cellular including ‘long distance’ in monthly charges.
Half the cellular industry owned by Baby Bells and AT&T, half by others.

Now, the majority of people get their local service on their cellphone, or via cable/internet/fiber instead of ‘copper pair’ or the ‘local phone company’.

IBM still a survivor and a giant…but the PC business is mostly now Dell, Apple, and Chinese makers. Mainframes are IBM and foreigners.

Tens of billions are being spent on ‘home solar’…with giant subsidies (along with giant subsidies for other ‘green energy’ from wind and solar and ‘biomass’… and who is financing all of this? Who is making the money? When someone volunteers to put ‘free solar’ on your roof, you know they aren’t doing it because they feel good. They do it because they laugh all the way to the bank with government subsidy money.



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“Tens of billions are being spent on ‘home solar’…with giant subsidies (along with giant subsidies for other ‘green energy’ from wind and solar and ‘biomass’… and who is financing all of this? Who is making the money? When someone volunteers to put ‘free solar’ on your roof, you know they aren’t doing it because they feel good. They do it because they laugh all the way to the bank with government subsidy money.”

Right Alternative Energy.

As governor, Joe Manchin supported an unusual detail in a clean energy bill that was moving through the West Virginia Legislature in 2009.

The provision classified waste coal as an alternative energy.

The muddy mix of discarded coal and rocks is one of the most carbon-intensive fuels in America. And Manchin’s family business stood to benefit financially when it was reclassified as something akin to solar, wind and hydropower.

Selling the scrap coal has earned Manchin millions of dollars over three decades, and he has used his political positions to protect the fuel — and a single power plant in West Virginia that burns it — from laws and regulations that also threatened his family business.…


"The measures, outlined late Wednesday in the 725-page spending bill, require the sale of drilling rights in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. The bill would also make new renewable power projects on federal land and water contingent on future sales.

“This is a climate suicide pact,” said Brett Hartl, a director with the Center for Biological Diversity, an Arizona-based environmental group. “The amount of leasing this bill mandates is absolutely massive. I don’t think the climate offsets are enough to cover all the drilling that is going to happen.”

Under the legislation, the Interior Department would only be able to issue new wind and solar rights over the next decade if it recently held oil and gas lease sales. The requirements would constrain the administration’s ability to pare fossil fuel developments on federal land, despite pleas from climate activists to halt drilling and rapidly pivot to green energy.

The new oil easing requirements come in addition to other fossil fuel benefits that are loathed by environmentalists …"

The deal announced Wednesday includes subsidies of as much as $85 per metric ton for carbon capture, an amount seen potentially extending the life of coal plants with billions of dollars in tax credits. The increase from the current level of $50 was backed by a coalition of groups that included utility DTE Energy Co. and coal-mining giant Peabody Energy Corp.

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