Extraordinary measures have begun

My uncle is one of those people. He is still working but about 65 now. He has told me for YEARS that the government has no intention to pay back the trust fund and that I am being lied too. (pretty sure he listens to Alex Jones too, and wish I was kidding). He is also an extremely right wing voter. I find it sad and ironic that he votes for the party who is going to take away his benefits and he doesn’t realize it.


They wont take away his benefits and he knows that because he has been listening to them.

They want to take away your benefits, your education, your healthcare…has nothing to do with the boomers losing anything.


Perhaps you do not hear it but, “we earned it. Those kids today are lazy and worthless”. I hear that more than once a week. I denounce it. There is zero effort in denouncing it because the boomers saying it are retired and complaining about the staff wherever we are. My boomer friends just stop they are honest enough to stop beating their chests. The problem is it is never ending. Saying stupid things repeatedly is a boomer trait.

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Saw another datapoint last night, in the push to eliminate retirement and make people work until they drop.

Previous datapoints: Back in the 80s, I heard some “thought leader” offer that “in a perfect world, you would die the day you receive your last paycheck”. The pol who was waving that binder of Trust Fund Treasury Bonds talked glowingly about some supposed farmer who was over 90, and still got up at dawn and worked his farm every day. The local “news” was recently gushing about an 80-something guy who is still working as a car salesman at a metro Detroit dealership.

Here’s the new datapoint: a Shiny “study”, using data from the PRC, the only entity that comes to mind that propagates more self-serving blather than the Shiny media, that claims early retirement, enabled by availability of pension benefits, is associated with early onset Alzheimer’s. The obvious takeaway: to “save people from Alzheimer’s, take their pensions away and make them work until they drop”.

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In which cotton fields will the former Senators and Representatives be required to work? Put the entire area under video surveillance so the entire country can see them working. OR NOT ???

We have seen plenty of cases of pols “working” until they drop. Remember Claude Pepper? He “worked” until he died of stomach cancer at 88 years of age. Robert Byrd “worked” until he died of natural causes at 92. Plenty of pols who do leave office upright, continue to “work” as lobbyists.

Buffet and Munger are both in their 90s and continue to “work”.

But really, the work until you drop scenario is only for the other 99%, not the “leaders”.


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