Gas stoves could be banned. Likely? Hmmm

I am a cast iron pan fanatic. There are a few downsides, but most are radically overblow (don’t use soap! uneven heat!). The upsides are incredible, holds heat well, low to non-stick, easy cleanup, nearly indestructible, cheap and lasts several lifetimes.





…larger than 15,000 square feet that use natural gas…The measure, known as the Large Buildings Fossil Fuel Emissions Tax, would apply to approximately 609 buildings across Berkeley…

Some such stakeholders worry that adding this tax would “compound the problem that existing taxes are already considerably higher in Berkeley than other Bay Area locations,” according to the measure report…

One such business is Berkeley’s local Boichik Bagels, whose owner Emily Winston expressed concerns with gas cooking equipment should their buildings qualify under the measure. “The gas equipment I purchased is intended to last decades. My intention in growing my business in Berkeley is to be here for decades,” Winston said in a letter to City Council. “But if I am going to be socked with a nearly half million dollar penalty every year, I will have to look seriously at moving out.”

Nonprofit centers in Berkeley — such as the David Brower Center and the Berkeley Repertory Theater — echoed these concerns.



All they have to do is to exempt nonprofits … exempt theaters … exempt homeless shelters … exempt anything with more than 10% serving the “poor” … exempt all government … exempt businesses serving local community or providing local jobs … and then they can apply the tax to the remaining 9 buildings. And the politicians can say they “did something”.


It failed with 68% of voters moving to reject the measure, according to Alameda County election data.

Environmentalists and labor unions advocated for “Measure GG” on the grounds that reducing emissions from buildings is imperative to fight climate change, while opponents derided it in part because they view the proposal as a new and costly tax that will chase away restaurants and small businesses, according to Bloomberg News.