George Kurtz 30min Interview on The Compound

Here’s a link to an interview with George Kurtz yesterday that was run by Josh Brown and Ben Carlson on The Compound YouTube channel -

Even if you know the company well, there’s some worthwhile nuggets (IMHO) on George’s background and the evolution of modern security architecture, the practical significance of the Impact Level 4 (IL-4) authorization, and Crowd’s partnership with Mandiant.

Hope you find this useful.



In this Interview, when I was listening to Crowdstrike Founder/CEO Kurtz answer the question about if Crowdstrike is going to develop a Security Cloud for Wealth Management like The Financial Cloud Salesforce has built, I started thinking about scalability. I asked myself why should it be necessary to purpose build a separate Security Cloud?

When Kurtz said ‘no differentiation is needed here, the exact same security sold to the US Department of Defense by Crowdstrike is also sold to a three person Small Business’, I was pleased. And then I thought of what was perhaps the over arching theme of the recent Investor Presentation on the Crowdstrike website. I believe that the reason for that recent Investor Relations Presentation was Crowdstrike wanted to put together many of the data points showing how architecture matters when trying to achieve Scalability.

I now believe that the reason for the overly simplistic calculation that the Crowdstrike CFO used, regarding how ridiculously easy Crowdstrike is going to get to $5B, was just another data point to support their theme demonstrating how scalable Crowdstrike is and will continue to be. I think that this may have been better demonstrated by showing them getting to $25B for example; but, then that may have been actually considered to be a ‘guide’.

Thanks for the link.

