Hi everyone,
I need some help with my portfolio. I’m losing my patience with this market. I started building my positions in late April and May when I discovered this board and began reading Saul and all the other great contributors and liked a lot of what you have discovered. However, as you probably can guess, most of what I have purchased through these few months is going down consistently in the past few weeks. That was probably caused by being a little late to the party. Most of you have already built some gains but now all I have are losses. I still like a lot of what I’m holding but I don’t know how long I should be holding on. Should I be adjusting some of these holdings by selling off some or part of them and watching to repurchase at a later date or just continue holding. I have some gains from some of what I sold earlier in the year so I could use some losses to offset some of those gains for tax purposes. Does that sound logical?
For example here are some of my holdings
AEYE Down 36.8% .58% Of Port.
AFOP Down 24.2% 2.39% of Port.
AIOCF Down 13.9% 5.77% of Port.
BOFI Down 7.04% 5.75% of Port.
PFIE Down 11.82% 4.25% of Port.
SKX Down 11% 2.63% of Port
UBNT Down 18.17% 7.63% of Port.
Even my old standby’s BA, DIS, BMY, TGT are down lately but still profitable so I shouldn’t complain too much. It’s just I went through this before in 2008 and other times but this time, I elected to hold on to everything and ride this out. It’s hard just watching. I always feel that I should be doing something. But I’m not sure what. I’m sure I’m not alone with this problem so I thought I would reach out and see what comes back. If I’m all wet let me know. If you have some suggestions I’m ready and willing to listen. You all have been great and I have already learned a lot from you.
Always listening and reading.