How Porto built a modern Metro (public transit)

… the white folk on my side of the Columbia River in the Portland area are still fighting Light Rail on the I-5 Bridge Replacement Project. They’re afraid that the handful of black folk that live in Portland are going to “ride the Crime Train” to rob & rape them" {{ LOL }} Wouldn’t it be easier, and provide a quicker getaway, to just steal a car?

They narrowly killed the $3 Billion project 10 years ago, meanwhile traffic got worse and commuting time increased.

Now the project is $6 Billion and the tolls to finance it will be even higher.

Give them what they voted for – good and hard.

I wonder if the Captain sees the Metro system as a piece of Socialism he’d rather do without?



More like Transportism!

I’ve had a fascination with metros since early childhood. My first metro was Paris at age seven. I had no ideological thoughts about the metro, what fascinated me was that instead of arrows they had hands indicating directions. We were stuck in Paris for months waiting for papers to get to Venezuela. I found French food disgusting, sweet when it was supposed to be salty. My mom cooked at home to keep me happy. Rationing was still prevalent but my mother managed to get sugar and milk and decided that we should have a feast. We went to a cafe where they only served black coffee, no sugar, no milk, no nothing but coffee. When coffee arrived it was improved with milk and sugar and it tasted like hell! My mom soon found out why! She had mistakenly brought salt instead of sugar. We laughed uncontrollably for a long time.

Then there is the MTA…

The Caracas metro was an oasis of order and cleanliness in a city not know for those qualities. The socialists managed to ruin even that!

One of the ugliest metros I ever saw was NYC. My father was very impressed by the Moscow metro. BTW, the video you linked did not show the three station extension of the Yellow Line from Santo Ovidio south to Vila d’Este and Google maps has yet to show the Santos Silva station:

where that bus stop appears in the middle

Socialism is public destruction, quite the opposite of metros that thrive in most regimes that are not entirely idiotic.

The Captain


Public transport is heavily subsidized by the Gov’t – taxing those of means for the public good – that’s the very definition of Socialism.



“True” capitalists ride for free all the time.

Honest people need better than scoundrels.

Nice redefinition! By your definition every county with a metro or any kind of public transport is socialist. In fact any society is socialist. A herd of buffalos is socialist. A pride of lions is socialist. The better word is “gregarious.”

A Spanish economist had a better idea, “All societies are Capitalist. The only difference is in who controls the capital.”


  • a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
  • • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
  • • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

The Dictionary

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Correct by all definitions.

Make believe won’t cut it.

It’s shocking to learn there is racism out there in a liberal blue state!!


You must hate living in Portugal. :grimacing:

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Is it racism or classism. I live in a small town and they didn’t want to have a bus line brought in because it might bring the poor people to town. :joy:

Too late. They came in cars, on foot, and so on.

Not at all. The Pacific Northwest has a vibrant and active White Supremacist minority.



Actually covered wagons but then they forgot where they came from.


I used to live in Camas, WA during the first rumblings of the Crime Train. At that time, there was a lot of petty theft crime in Portland. My work vehicle was broken into 2 times in about 2 weeks in Portland. Smash and grab. People on the north side of the Columbia River didn’t want that migrating over.

I dunno, seems silly. There are plenty of targets for criminals in and around Portland. Criminals don’t migrate just because there’s a train.

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My ancestors came in 1843 to Oregon, and we never forget.

d fb

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