How to use the new boards properly

Hi CMF Mint and other users,

Is there a place which has all the posts which details how one can optimally use the board.
I already saw the useful post by CMF Mint

Despite being useful, it only has the basics…and I am sure there are more useful posts that may have highlighted how to best use the board functions.

For example,

  1. How do I create a favorite board
  2. How do i follow posts by a specific poster etc
  3. How to look at the most liked/ recommended posts etc.


1.How do I create a favorite board
Use the sidebar on the left to create a list of favorite categories and tags that you want to follow. Click the Pencil to the right of either Categories and Tags and in the box that pops up on the right, use the + sign to add all the Categories (basically the old boards) that you want to follow. Do the same with Tags for any companies or states that you want to follow. When you have your list complete, click slightly outside the box to reveal the hidden Save Changes button and select that. Now, whenever new posts happen for those, a number will appear as a link and you can click that to read the ‘board.’ If you want to post new in that one, just click it and use the green new topic button to start a thread.

2 Click anyones Avator and their usercard will pop up - there is a Follow option on it that you can use to follow them. To read their posts, click your own picture twice to access your preferences and you’ll see a Follow’s option. Click that to see your Follow Feed (we’ve asked that it be added to the sidebar but that’s a future enhancement .

3.On the home page (or any list view, really) you have a few options across the top. It defaults to Categories but if you click Top, it will show you the Top posts, which is a combination of views, likes and replies. You can also so that by likes, among others, to see the posts with the most likes (or sort the Latest to see those with the most likes)


Thank you!

Ahh, the 20 word requirement limits denies me the opportunity to say “thanks”…but it is important that one at least acknowledges any good will and gesture…will resort to “like” button moving forward!


Nice to provide the answers, but I think the idea of collecting helpful posts in one place is a useful idea too. This sounds like the right board, but perhaps the xMFs should be on the alert for good posts on other boards and duplicate them here. There have, for example, been several on METaR.


I’m not understanding this. What works for me it to single click my picture in the upper right corner.
Then single click the bottom icon (head and shoulders), then click on preferences. Finally you will see follows up on the top row.

Yes, it is at least 4 clicks to get to something that was just 1 or 2 on the old boards. And not obvious at all, IMO.



Of course, this being Discourse and all, you can’t just click anyone’s avatar. It has to be the right avatar. Because consistency isn’t important here.

For example, if I click the avatar shown when a poster is quoted, all that happens is that the whole post that was quoted opens. Clicking again closes the full post, returning to just the quote. Neither one gets me to their usercard.

I can accomplish the same thing by clicking on the downward pointing carat in the top right of the barely visible quote box. So it would be nice if clicking on the avatar does what clicking on an avatar normally does. But it doesn’t. So I have to hunt down a different version of their avatar to click on.


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It’s simple, really. All you need to do is to follow my flowchart:



Yeppers, it’s as easy as that. By the way, I love your flow chart.

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