I have a couple of posters I have on ignore. I ignored them under the old boards and haven’t touched things since, so however the transition worked is what I have (barring transition hiccups).
The annoyance I have here is that an ignored poster can post on a topic, but then that triggers the topic to show up in my “unread” lists of posts. When I look at my tracked posts, for example, they show up there. But I don’t know who made the new post, so I click on the post to read it, only to find that I’m at the post just before the ignored poster reading something that sounds very familiar. I scroll past that post and see nothing else new - just the little note that an ignored poster was there. [Insert rant explaining how the unthreaded mode on the old boards were much better for dealing with this.]
Is there a tweak I can make somewhere to keep them from setting that “unread” flag?
If not, perhaps that could be an improvement to add to the growing list of potential improvements.