Looking How Tesla Generates Profits

Over 40% Of Tesla’s Profit Comes From Selling Regulatory Credits

If a new administration delivers more lax environmental rules for automakers, one of Tesla’s key profit-drivers could go away.

The credit-selling business was even more crucial to Tesla earlier on. Back when other automakers were struggling to get their EV programs off the ground, and Tesla was losing money on most cars it made, profit from regulatory credits was a lifeline. Many have argued it would have never survived without them.
I’m sure the $300-400 subsidy from China helped too.
In any case new technology needs assistance to survive.

Buyer’s remorse from Musk if the president-elect rolls back government incentives?
Perhaps Musk believe any roll back will have more negative effect upon his competition maybe even eliminate some competitors.

Musk is on record against incentives of all kinds, including the EV ones. He follows up that sort of statement by making sure people realize he’s including oil/gas incentives as well.


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As I noted in the thread about stopping Musk, do not dismiss the possibility that Musk doesn’t care if Tesla goes to zero, because he has moved on to much bigger opportunities.
