Malibu's Million Dollar Trailer Park Burns To Ground

Doesn’t matter where you are, or what the disaster. The trailer park is going to get it first.

Last 10 minutes of video.



In related news:


He does not have all his marbles.

The question is how did the fires get out of hand? All the water tanks were full with millions of gallons of water. They had a lot of fire fighters. So what happened?

Well the Getty Museum was safe. They built their building with thick cement walls and kept the grounds around it well groomed to keep the fire down.

If you look at the area that this burn happened it is well populated. So a lot of concrete and buildings. There were no trees to log so what happened?. I think it was because of all the under brush. They have had a lot of rain and growth. Does it seem that people might not have been keeping up their properties? Could the cities also not have been keeping up the boulevards and green areas? I am thinking this is the major cause of the fire was because of all the under growth, not the lack of water. Sure if planes would have been able to fly, they couldn’t because of the winds, then they probably could have put the fire out faster but I think they need to keep the growth of the plants down. With drier conditions they need to control it better.

Sure there are going to be crack pots out their claiming DEI, Water(every reservoir and tank in California is full with water), The Governor, The mayor. Anything to get a click. Funny how the crack pots come out after a catastrophe.


Doing it sensibly is possible, but requires land use planning regulations with teeth, or big landowners with brains. The first is politically extremely difficult to impose, and the second are in short supply, as wealth and brains do not strongly correlate (2nd generations are a bytch).

d fb


You can’t make me clean up my property, under the constitution I have the right to keep it overgrown.


“You can’t make me clean up my property, under the constitution I have the right to keep it overgrown.”

But the Insurance companies can quadruple or quintuple or raise rates to near infinity if they inspect properties and find them overgrown, can’t they ?
Americans are proud of their Capitalistic tendency’s, surely property owners with overgrown hazards will understand it’s just market forces at work , lol.
( just kidding, they’ll be demanding a government solution, ie taxpayer pay for their loss )



That varies by neighborhood. I was in “Hollywoodland “ above Beachwood Canyon in the Hollywood Hills, the first and oldest dense “suburban” community built in steep chapparal, and very close in to Hollywood itself. The neighborhood and the local fire crews and police had been through enough stupidity that idiot and lazy resistance got crushed, and yards got groomed, even if by the city with a hefty bill following.

d fb


They actually refused to insure them but guess what? The state is the insurance carrier of last resort, just like in Florida for all those Hurricanes that Desantis didn’t stop from coming onshore. :roll_eyes:


That depends upon what the state insurance commission allows. Insurers in California have been cutting back on business there because the allowed rates weren’t enough to cover the risks.

I suspect we are going to both higher rates and reduced policy writing in the state.

How much of the problem is because of high values assigned. My sister lives in a 1700 sq-ft ranch built in the mid-50s. It is valued at $1.3 million whereas in a sane part of the county it would sell for $300K. Any ideas what it would cost to rebuilt a small house in LA county?


“Any ideas what it would cost to rebuilt a small house in LA county?”

I don’t. I get dizzy just looking at real estate listings out there.
The Insurers and ReInsurers are going to feel this event.
And any pain they feel gets moved downstream to their customers, and probably to the taxpayers when Insurance companies leave the State.


" The state is the insurance carrier of last resort,"

No worries, ALL PRICES, for EVERYTHING, will start to come down beginning on 1-21-25. Happy Days are here again, lol.


That’s not true where I live. The city will site you for overgrown vegetation and/or junk in your yard. They will give you usually two weeks to take care of the matter. If you don’t, they will send a city crew to do it for you and then bill you for the work.


(Depending a little on what you are growing that is overgrown,) NO, you have no such right. Not under the US constitution, nor any place on Earth that I know of.

Even grass in more and more of the parched West, is prohibited.

d fb


Why do Floridians allow a gov-run property insurer? Shouldn’t the free market handle this? Why not reduce the role of gov here, save money, let Mr. Smith take the reins?


I think that’s a fine idea.

Give them what they voted for – good and hard.

(Note: You realize that homeowners with a mortgage will lose their homes if they can’t get insurance and afford the premium.)



I’m glad you like it - and people say the internet is full of negativity, not here in this moment, those people are wrong!

Mortgage liens are also part of free market, except for the part where Fannie and Freddie buy all of those mortgages. (Maybe a new federal housing policy can finally end that, our banking system is perfectly capable of financing housing, they have certainly proven that over the last 16-ish years.)

Free market solutions:
Accept lesser coverage and higher deductibles from alternative insurers
or People pay off mortgages and self insure
or Sell their homes and become renters
or Banks having the mortgage liens enter the property insurance business, increase their skin in the game

there’s probably many other much more creative ideas from the invisible hand

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They are not just crackpots. It is a Zombie Army of tens of millions of Americans who allow Fox and social media to define their reality for them. Climate change is a hoax. Increasingly severe weather events like Helene are not fueled by warmer waters in the Gulf, and LA fires are not fueled by increasingly severe heat, drought and winds. If they happen in a red state like NC, they are Biden’s fault. If they happen in a blue state like California, they are Newsome’s fault.

We will never stop talking past each other because Fox Zombies live in an alternate universe comprised of right wing talking points posing as facts.


I feel hopeful.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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True, I did find out last night that there was one tank that fed Los Angeles that was empty though. Supposedly for repair. But they are still looking into it.