More restrictions from M$FT

Check this article:…

Quick quote: “Recent decisions by Microsoft tend to suggest that the company is no longer interested in home users. Everything they do, especially introducing mandatory so-called security protocols such as TPM and Pluton, is geared toward appealing to the corporate sector and appeasing digital rights agitators.” (more)

Charlie Brown (still running Win 7 and will continue to do so for as long as possible)


Charlie Brown (still running Win 7 and will continue to do so for as long as possible)

"_In other words, MS does not give a crap about home users. **And that, my friends, is just another consequence of a monopoly.**_"

Honestly, this is not a surprise. They've been a part of a "monopoly trio" for many decades.
Apple is not much better. How much for a "new phone"? <*rollingeyes*>

If you don't remember, there use to be Apple desktop clones. They only lasted a few short years... early 80's. The CORP shut them down. Yep, that's a monopoly.

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Earnings growth is in cloud computing. Corporate customers are big users and willing to pay. Consumers numerous but stingy.

Software products mature. So emphasis is corporate customers.

“Charlie Brown (still running Win 7 and will continue to do so for as long as possible)”

Me too on one desktop (8.1 on the other) and the one laptop. Still doing all I need it to do.


Same here and still getting weekly updates and security patches.