Mr Smith & dividends forever

Happy New Year !
Per the start of each New Year, there is something enjoyable to starting the clock and trying something fresh. With that in mind, Mr Samuel Smith has a 10-holding portfolio that he claims can provide you dividends for life

Although Mr Smith claims the basket is diversified, my own view is that heavily skewed toward specialty finance (REITs, preferred, covered call strategy). What could possibly go wrong??

I should note that I own one of the basket suggestions, Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure (AY), and have done so for several years. AY had a miserable 2023 -down around 35% at one point, and staging somewhat of a comeback. Still ended 2023 with a double-digit loss.

Also, WP Carey (WPC) Dec 29, 2023 div involved a lower payout. I guess, Mr Smith conveniently left out that data-point.


Oy! Some yo-yo posted this dung over at Bogleheads as well. If you are looking for good dividend investing articles at Seeking Alpha, there are better writers than the one linked.



Such as? Please share, thank you in advance.


This guy says his port will generate 6.6% yield…but what if it doesn’t? Then what do you do?

It seems like it would very stressful to try and maintain a portfolio like this.

@mostlylong - at least on the dividend investing side, I would probably read an article by Justin Law. He basically took over the work of the late David Fish (Motley Fool contributor who used to produce the monthly CCC list). Like David Fish, Justin does provide a monthly dividend list. I believe Justin also has a subscription service.