News on Buy Now Pay Later and the next Vision Pro headset

Apple dumps ‘Apple Pay Later’ for new BNPL partnerships

Apple has suspended work on its next high-end Vision headset, the Information reported on Tuesday, citing an employee at a manufacturer that makes key components for the Vision Pro.

The iPhone maker is still working on releasing a more affordable Vision product with fewer features before the end of next year, the report said, citing a person involved in its supply chain and one person in the manufacturing of the headsets.


I am surprised Afrm didn’t jump on this news.


What’s Afrm? more text to exceed 20 chars…

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Hi g0,

Afrm is the ticker of Affirm holdings which is a Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Provider. In the article it states that Apple is doing away with apple pay and going to Afrm. Afrm also works with Walmart, Amazon, and Shopify. It has an Exclusivity deal with Amazon and Shopify.


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D’oh! Thanks. …

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