“OpenAI on Thursday launched a version of its popular chatbot ChatGPT priced at $200 per month, which can be used in engineering fields and for research, as the AI firm looks to expand industry applications for its technology.”
We have been wondering how all that AI investment will earn profits. Looks like OpenAI is giving us a glimpse of the future.
Couldn’t the code be open source but they still charge to use the time on their machines?
Look at all the Linux variants that are open but companies use them and charge for whatever their product does.
The reason I brought it up is because the word “Open” as part of the company name comes from the fact that the company was created as a non-profit. Elon had a problem with their conversion to for-profit.
BTW, with the switch from algorithmic to neural network AI, what exactly is “the code?” Recently I had a revelation. Critics pointed out that at the RoboTaxi event the Optimus Robots were tele-operated claiming this to be a failure in their development. Did they not notice that FSD is being trained by tele-operated Tesla cars? The tele-operator just happens to be sitting in the driver’s seat.
Neural network AI machine learning, in a nutshell, is learning by imitating. It makes sense for Optimus Robots to think they are being trained by qualified brothers instead of having to look at strange creatures we call humans.
So what? The word “Open” doesn’t mean “non-profit”. Ever been to an “Open Market” or an “Open House”?
Do you think “non-profit” means they can’t be paid? There are non-profit hospitals which charge for admission or surgery. Non-profit newspapers which charge per copy. Non-profit universities: do you think they’re free?
The way to be paid the most money in a position is to be the founder and CEO of a non-profit. Why? Because the business can legitimately claim the need to keep this person because only he/she could do it, AND DID IT, which makes that person “indispensable” to the organization. So, a mega-paycheck is justifiable.