Well, not quite, at least for me. This is DataDog monitoring one’s usage of the AI service known as ChatGPT. It’s not DataDog using AI itself to improve its monitoring abilities.
I did some first-level internet research and came across these links:
DataDog WatchDog
DataDog WatchDog AI
DataDog’s Machine Learning
Watchdog is an algorithmic feature for APM performance, infrastructure metrics, and logs that automatically detects potential application and infrastructure issues. It leverages the same seasonal algorithms that power anomalies and dashboards.
Watchdog analyzes billions of events and learns what “normal” behavior looks like in order to proactively provide insight to users for anomalies they didn’t anticipate. The two new capabilities of Watchdog take this one step further.
Essentially, what DataDog is doing here is setting up programmatic algorithms, and then watching what values the parameters have over some period of time. Then, if the parameter values exceed those, you get notified.
Anomaly detection addresses one of the core challenges in monitoring dynamic, responsive, ever-scaling infrastructure: How to define normal versus abnormal performance. Setting static thresholds often leads to false alarms due to normal variations in key metrics like website traffic and customer checkouts, which tend to rise and fall depending on the time of day, day of the week, or day of the month. Anomaly detection accounts for those expected variations, as well as long-term trends, to intelligently flag behavior that is truly unexpected. Datadog’s anomaly detection algorithms are rooted in established statistical models, but have been heavily adapted for the domain of high-scale infrastructure and application monitoring.
Perhaps a good analogy would be home monitoring. It watches your house for a while, keeping track of temperature extremes, rate of rise, and let’s say window and door opening and closing for when, how long they stay open, how many are open at any time, etc. Then after a period of time you turn that around, and the system then looks for temps above/below the extremes or rising faster than previously, or windows staying open longer, etc.
That’s a great feature, and sure it’s a machine that’s learning, but it’s not the kind of generative, large model, neural net AI that is all the rage right now. It still needs algorithmic programming, and needs to understand seasonal loads - for the house that might be indoor temps in winter vs summer, for eCommerce that might be pre-Xmas loads versus mid-year loads.
That said, I wouldn’t expect DataDog to be talking much about potential new features they don’t have yet. OTOH, I would have expected the CEO when addressing the impact of AI to have talked about more than just AI creating more apps and DataDog monitoring AI workloads.
That said, holding some DDOG, I’m happy with what I see as the market over-reaction to the press release.