OT - Canada's Nuclear Waste Management

While the choice may seem like a 50/50 thing, there are major transportation advantages in the ‘South Bruce’ location near a large number of nuclear power stations. I suppose the very thinly populated Northern Ontario Ignace location has it’s own beauty?

Funding is covered by the fund created when first we started selling nuclear power. It was paid for by the companies who own the waste.


Both the plan and the NWMO are funded by Canada's nuclear fuel waste owners. The development and implementation of Canada's long-term plan for used nuclear fuel is funded by the waste owners in Canada: Ontario Power Generation, New Brunswick Power, Hydro-Québec, and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Mar 15, 2021


Canadian waste organisation completes borehole programme

08 April 2022

Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) has completed its deep borehole drilling programme to understand the subsurface geology in the two areas that will potentially host a deep geological repository for the nation’s used nuclear fuel. The programme will help inform the final selection of a site.

The NWMO is charged with implementing Canada’s plan for the safe, long-term management of used fuel, known as Adaptive Phased Management, and launched the site selection process in 2010. The selected site must have the support of “informed and willing” hosts and NWMO is working to ensure that the chosen location will be safe and secure.

Once the site has been selected, detailed site characterisation, federal impact assessment and licensing processes will begin. NWMO said it remains on track to complete the site selection in 2023. Construction of the repository is currently anticipated to begin in 2033, with operations beginning between 2040 and 2045.