Amazing what a Carbon tax can accomplish isn’t it? It is not every day yet but small steps lead to big steps. Perhaps they can help the Germans out with a few tips?
I’ve heard that Alberta is still eyeing Hydro from Site C when it is completed (2024-5). Delays and cost overruns due to COVID but once built, Site C will be a source of clean, reliable and affordable electricity in B.C. for more than 100 years. They are already working on the ‘filling’ plan.
Saw an article earlier that Brazil is looking to grow it’s Nuclear Power.
Oh well, it just showed up on WNN (World Nuclear News).
Lots of interesting stuff this week. Nuking mosquitos in Cuba, who knew? You can skip the one about “IEA praises Canada”, probably because we gave them a bunch of money? US agency sets out 2022 cleanup priorities from weapons and nuclear energy research … stand by for loud noises.
Not included was this rather hyperbolic article about Canada’s plans to ship nuclear waste to whichever of the two remaining sites are finally selected. Since the vast majority of the waste is in interim storage facilities very near the South Bruce site methinks the decision has already been made. Perhaps we could rent out the Ignace site to our neighbours for the next million years or so? The population is ~ 1200 people.
It is not every day yet but small steps lead to big steps.
One of Alberta’s major power producers converted it’s last coal fired plant to natural gas and shut down the coal mine Dec 31, 2021.
TransAlta Corporation (TSX: TA; NYSE: TAC) (“TransAlta” or the “Company”) announced today that it has completed the last of three planned coal-to-gas conversions (“CTG”) at its Alberta Thermal power generation facilities near Wabamun, Alberta.
“The full conversion of Keephills Unit 3 (“KH3”) from thermal coal to natural gas is a significant milestone for TransAlta in its transition off coal. We are pleased to have completed this important step, nine years ahead of the government target,” said John Kousinioris, President and CEO of TransAlta. “Our coal transition is among the most meaningful carbon emissions reduction achievements in Canadian history.” “Converting to natural gas from coal maintains the current generation capacity of KH3 and reduces our CO2 emissions by almost 50 per cent from approximately 0.86 tonnes CO2e per MWh to approximately 0.43 tonnes CO2e per MWh,” Mr. Kousinioris added. “This not only highlights TransAlta’s continued commitment to meet Alberta’s need for safe, reliable and low-cost electricity but also delivers a step-change reduction in the emissions from our converted units.”
Transalta started shutting down coal fired plants in 2017.
Alberta still has work to do to transition away from coal, but contrary to what some people think, it is well underway.