15 killed in shooting at Uvalde elementary school; gunman dead, Gov. Abbott says
10-year-old girl, 66-year-old woman in critical condition at University Hospital in San Antonio
I believe the appropriate response is “thoughts, prayers, sit-on-your-hands”.
Only in America.
AW: Only in America.
Important to remember that it used to be Australia as well. Then this happened:
On April 28, 1996, a 28-year-old man with a troubled past named Martin Bryant walked into a cafe in Port Arthur, a tourist town on the island of Tasmania, and opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle. He killed 35 people and wounded another 28.
Australia's prime minister at the time, John Howard, had taken office just six weeks earlier at the head of a center-right coalition. He quickly drew a very clear conclusion from the Port Arthur killing: Australia had too many guns, and they were too easy to get....Between October 1996 and September 1997, Australia responded to its own gun violence problem with a solution that was both straightforward and severe: It collected roughly 650,000 privately held guns. It was one of the largest mandatory gun buyback programs in recent history.
And it worked.
david fb
The shooting came days before the National Rifle Association annual convention was set to begin in Houston. Abbott and both of Texas’ U.S. senators were among elected Republican officials who were the scheduled speakers at a Friday leadership forum sponsored by the NRA’s lobbying arm.
Guess they might want to reschedule.
I am sure they won’t.
I am sure the term “false flag” will be used multiple times.
21 dead at this time.…
I 100% guarantee two things:
Many politicians have or will soon argue this mass shooting is symptomatic of a mental health problems. Not explaining why this particular mental health problem is singular to the United States.
The exact same politicians who will blame this mass murder on mental health issues also voted against/opposed the Medicaid expansion. Yet Medicaid is the largest single provider of mental health services in the United States.
I am fcking sick of this sht.
They’ll be touting this:
Average (Mean) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2009-2015):
- Norway — 1.888
- Serbia — 0.381
- France — 0.347
- Macedonia — 0.337
- Albania — 0.206
- Slovakia — 0.185
- Switzerland — 0.142
- Finland — 0.132
- Belgium — 0.128
10 Czech Republic — 0.123
11 United States — 0.089
12 Austria — 0.068
13 Netherlands — 0.051
14 Canada — 0.032
Counter with this:
School Shootings
United States 288
Mexico 8
South Africa 6
India 5
Pakistan 4
Nigeria 4
Afghanistan 3
Brazil 2
France 2
Canada 2
China 1
Russia 1
Turkey 1
Germany 1
Kenya 1
Greece 1
Azerbaijan 1
Hungary 1
Estonia 1
Japan 0
United Kingdom 0
Italy 0
Spain 0
Argentina 0
Australia 0
Netherlands 0
Switzerland 0…
Important to remember that it used to be Australia as well. Then this happened:
And Britain, then this happened:
Britain ended the horror of school shootings after one single massacre…
And it worked.
Sensing a trend.
The Onion has a tragically wry response to each of these mass shooting events - they repeat a stock story, headlined “‘No Way to Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens,” changing only the location of where the latest horror has just occurred.
With Buffalo and Uvalde happening back-to-back, they’ve now taken it to another level:
In a related story:
Report: Uvalde Gunman Had Accomplices As Far As Washington, D.C…
I normally don’t like The Onion. But I have to admit this one was pretty good.
New renditions of the greatest line from Apocalypse Now in the scene of Marlon Brando’s “the horror…” which was “We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won’t allow them to write ‘F*ck’ on their airplanes because it’s obscene”
We let gun companies sell AR15s to teenagers to destroy families, but our politicians won’t ban assault weapons because families need “freedom”.
We restrict abortion for women because it’s called murder, but we let gun companies sell AR15s to teenagers to kill people.
those poor parents & relatives…
I normally don’t like The Onion.
There is no such thing as “Too Much Onion” in
The Captain’s
Many politicians have or will soon argue this mass shooting is symptomatic of a mental health problems. Not explaining why this particular mental health problem is singular to the United States.
Unfortunately we always get more questions than answers and every politician uses the opportunity to grand stand.
Read an interesting article today that talked about the increased use of SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) like Prozac. Works great for depression but there has also been several studies showing in increase in irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, and mania - especially in adolescents/young adults but not older adults. Don’t think things have changed since residency training, but there was about a 2-4 week window in beginning treatment for depression where the patient was at increased risk for harming themselves and/or others. Why? Because the medicine made them finally feel good enough to act but still having clouded thought processes.
Plus, late teens/early 20s you have a natural uptick in various mental health issues.
Not sure it is singular to the USA, but back in the 80s/90s we did away with many mental health hospitals, short term cost cutting measure with long term effects. Maybe other countries are still funding their mental health system. And USAsians have a love affair with the quick fix pill verses long term work.
My big question, we see several kids (under 18) with known mental issues, run ins with police, etc., that have records. But later they are able to buy firearms. We talk endlessly about “red flag” laws, but are these records sealed and not entered into any background check data base when the kid becomes an “adult”? All those red flags are taken down?
JLC - sick of it too.
1) Many politicians have or will soon argue this mass shooting is symptomatic of a mental health problems.
I’m not going to disagree with that. But I will ask a follow up question.
So what are you doing to improve mental health care?
Some news articles:…
The first 911 call was received 90 minutes earlier, at 11:30am, saying a man had emerged from a crashed vehicle with a long rifle and a backpack.…
Jacinto Cazares, the father of 10-year-old shooting victim Jacklyn Jaylen Cazares, told ABC News that his “little girl” was “full of life.”
Cazares told ABC News that he is holding the school and the police responsible for the massacre.
“There was at least 40 lawmen armed to the teeth but didn’t do a darn thing [until] it was far too late. The situation could’ve been over quick if they had better tactical training, and we as a community witnessed it firsthand. I’m a gun owner and I do not blame the weapons used in this tragedy. I’m angry how easy it is to get one and young you can be to purchase one,” he said.…
The teenage madman who slaughtered 19 kids and two teachers in a Texas school spent more than 40 minutes inside as witnesses desperately urged police to charge into the building, it was revealed Wednesday.
Border Patrol agents finally breached the door about 40 minutes to an hour later when a staff member gave them a key.
Why did law enforcement stand around for 40 minutes?
Did it take law enforcement 50 minutes to respond to the 911 call?
Why was it that the Border Patrol took charge & entered the building?
If law enforcement entered the school upon arrival how many children could have been saved?
There seems to me a BIG problem with how law enforcement deals with school shootings. Perhaps that is standard procedure? This is what occurred at the Parkland shooting in Florida. Why? Is law enforcement inadequately trained? Do law enforcement lives have more worth than children? Isn’t this what they signup for–to prevent crime & protect the citizenry?…
Report: Commanding officer initially ordered Parkland 1st responders not to enter school
There seems to me a BIG problem with how law enforcement deals with school shootings.
As I pointed out elsewhere, this is jumping to conclusions with rumors rather than actual facts.
Like any complex incident, the facts are not fully known until an investigation is complete.
Do we know that any of the statements in those news articles correctly describe the situation? For example, I’ve already heard three different accounts of the beginning of the incident.
- The shooter was confronted after the car crash and before entering the building, and shots were exchanged.
- Similar to above, but no shots were exchanged.
- The shooter was not confronted between the crash and entering the building.
The accounts also differ on the number of officers involved. Some say one, some say two.
With this kind of variance in accounts, none can be even remotely be considered to be correct until an investigation is complete.