
passwords are like underwear:

don’t share them, hide them under your keyboard, or hang them from your monitor.

above all, change them frequently.


Changing them often is a fallacy.

No password logins are the best and actually work quite well.

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Frequently-changed passwords are easy-to-memorize passwords… which generally makes them easy-to-break.

Password managers are a better idea. But look for one that says it does NOT send passwords anywhere unencrypted.


don’t share them, hide them under your keyboard, or hang them from your monitor.

When I worked in IT at the local community college, our department was accused of leaking a student’s grades … until my boss found the department logon on a post-it note on a terminal used by student workers.

That department got a lesson on having only staff do the actual logon to accounts that can access protected information (grades, health info, names, addresses) and NOT posting logon information on the monitors or leaving them under a mouse pad or under-side of the keyboard.

above all, change them frequently

The problem with this is that either it becomes a simple password, or it gets written down.

It’s far better to use a password manager (so passwords are stored encrypted), and use long and complicated passwords, preferably ones pseudo-randomly generated (which most password managers can generate). And use different passwords for each site. That way, if the passwords of one site are compromised, your logon credentials at other sites are not compromised.


Password managers are a better idea.

No passwords is a better idea and it’s starting to happen however you need to use your phone in most cases to login.

Waiting to see what they do to break the “no password” way of life.

More like a toothbrush. You change your underwear 1-3 times a day - that’s a bit much for a password change

You change your underwear 1-3 times a day - that’s a bit much for a password change - exter17

If you change your underwear more than once a day, except on rare occasion twice, then your GI issues perhaps need more immediate attention than your password. just sayin’