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This message brought to you by the gym owners association.

I can buy an exercise bike for the cost of a one year membership in the cheapest gym in town, and it takes me 8 or 9 years to wear out the bike. The dumbbells I have are probably 30 years old.

To while away the hours, as I pedal. I have a TV and DVD player in the room with the bike, bought at Salvation Army for $12 and $5 respectively.



Although I have been lifting weights at gyms since 1974 (long before women were encouraged to do resistance training) it’s not necessary to join a gym for strength training.

Many yoga poses use body weight as resistance. One of the most strenuous fitness classes I ever took was an intermediate-level yoga class. The benefit is more than strength training – it’s the ability to use one’s own body, enhancing proprioception and balance. I would recommend warming up the joints and muscles before doing strength-oriented flow yoga to avoid injury. By the way, I can still do a handstand at age 70 but TMF won’t let me post the video.



I encourage everyone to do yoga.
Working construction almost 40yrs takes it’s toil on your body. Yoga has me feeling 20yrs younger!!


…and I will throw in vigorous forms of social dancing. Nothing like doing this for a few hours, and if you find it too EZ, just take a tot of Soctch or Bourbon depending on where you are.

Best treatment for depression as well.

d fb


I love social dancing but for fitness I do Zumba 3 times per week. Google “El Doco Loco Zumba” for different ways to contact El Doco Loco, the nom de danse of Dr. Raymond Poliquit, a board certified pediatrician who runs a Zoom-based program of several daily classes 7 days a week. Ask to be put on the e-mail list to get all the links sent to your e-mail. The payment is voluntary. I send $30 per month which is the in-person fee for the dance studio which is subsidized by Blue Cross insurance. (Even though I never set foot in the studio, which is located in New Orleans.) My favorite instructor is Rhia Bey, who is located in Pittsburgh, PA. The miracle of Zoom means that location is irrelevant.

Best treatment for depression as well, as you said, @flyerboys .



I am a huge believer in the benefits of yoga. I don’t really like doing yoga. I don’t look forward to it. But I love the benefits. I don’t care about the hippie dippy stuff you get in a lot of yoga classes so I tune that stuff out, but it straight up works.

I have a Rodney Yee power yoga DVD that’s about 25 years old that’s great. It is 20 minutes long. Edit: It is kinda torture, but it is only 20 minutes, so I can handle it.

If you do nothing else that day you feel awesome.

Lately, I’ve been doing Yoga with Adriene. Whatever you want help with, she’s got a yoga routine for you.


I’m with you on skipping the “hippie dippy stuff”. My wife, on the other hand, likes that part of it.

We’ve been doing Yoga with Adriene for years!! That’s our go to youtube yoga. You’re right about yoga, it “straight up works!!”