Just never cared for them, other than travel, and even then, find it not used much by either of us, other than local research in our wanderings… As I noted, I’ve had a variety of laptops from PCs at work to Mac Books for myself or GKs for their schoolwork. PCs I put up with at work, but once retired, turned it all in or recycled them all, last one, literally bounced on the garage floor on its way out, after pulling it’s HD…
My Apple history goes back to the '70s, Apple ]]+, //e, //c, ///, and a variety of Macs from an earluy Fat Mac to the current Mac Pro (2012)… We had a local Mac user Group, but before that the Apple Core down in SF, over many years the need for support faded, as did those groups, as well as the old BMUG, in Berkeley, CA & Boston, MA… Our local NCMUG had over 600 members at one tome, local meetings, booths at the SF MacWorld Expo, as well as local weekend events from time to time, 2 or 3 local Apple Dealers, now they’ve all faded away as the need slid, the Apple Stores opened…
My PC experiences, from DOS on to WinNT were never comparable. Malware, virus BS, get to work, have a headache, Malware, registration messed up, lose a day, or most of it sorting it out, our IT guy/gal, 100 miles away, busy trying to keep others going, too… Old klutsy legacy software, mandated out of HQ, in the field we were pretty rough on the hardware that wasn’t really all that great, yet they paid dearly, I think the last laptop, finally solid was an LG S series, I turned that back in '02 as I retired… Mcaffee likley caused more headaches than protected us, Norton wasn’t allowed, but about the same, even their Mac versions were carp… So, no, no Win anything, ever again, the last PC here was a Sony Vaio, also malware susceptible, spent more time keeping it cleaned up than using, was actually for my DW’s use of Office, we kept it… Once she retired it was outta here… DW’s 27" iMac is holding up well…
Anyway, nop, no PCs, no laptops other than the collected older Apple ones… Still an Apple //e and a variety of other Apple stuff in the garage, museum donations, maybe one day…
Current quest is for the desktop Mac Pro (2012) replacement… Mac Mini, plus external HD case seems to be the winner… Mobility is handled by our iPhones, MB Air…
Have zero interest, need for any Win stuff…