Russia actually is doing its damnedest…

The photo in this article tells an interesting story. The Ukrainians have more than enough anti tank weapons to survive many land battles. If this is possible against Russia’s airpower Putin bit off a lot more than he can chew.

Yeah superior numbers…of what?

Manpower there are more armed Ukrainians. Planes and armor more Russian equipment.…

The article is subscription based. I tried here to lift the link to the photo. You may need to copy and paste if the fool wont work with it.…

This link has a voice mail on it. A Russian tank man.

In the comments up top someone asks for a translation. Someone else obliges. This is looking fantastically pathetic for the Russians.

Russian tank woman. She is in tears. She knows better than this war.

If this is possible against Russia’s airpower Putin bit off a lot more than he can chew.

I think what we are witnessing is an incompetent Russia military, plain and simple. And I also think the only reason we are still not directly involved is that Putin has nukes.

Now, what message does that send Iran and NK?


I think what we are witnessing is an incompetent Russia military, plain and simple.

Or maybe tactics are being dictated by the God-on-earth Putin? Just look at Putin sitting at that thirty foot conference table, with all his supplicants seated at the far end. He’s funny in the head.


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Now, what message does that send Iran and NK?


It is not now finally dawning on either leadership.

NK wont change course, they need them to fend off China.

Iran will change course because competing with SA means a nuclear free area is rational. Iran maybe a theocracy I do not like as a form of government etc…but the Iranian leadership is far more rational than we are told.

Iran is at the negotiating table for a second time because the US got very irrational. NK will never honestly be at a negotiating table.

He’s funny in the head.


Fiona Hill who is out of the top of our intelligence and security community is saying he is on massive doses of steroids. She public is not speculating on his medical condition. His face is all puffy.

Now, what message does that send Iran and NK?


To reinforce your point, remember that Ukraine had lots of nukes, but gave them up at the behest of the United States, Russia, Britain, France, and China, in return for promises from the signatories of the Budapest Memorandum and the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) via the Lisbon Protocol. It now appears that it was a foolish mistake to surrender all of the nukes on Ukrainian soil. Retaining even a few Cold War relics from the former Soviet nuclear arsenal would have bought Ukraine the same inviolability that India, Pakistan, Israel, North Korea, and the Budapest Memorandum & Lisbon Protocol signatories enjoy.

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurance, signed on December 5, 1994, sealed Ukraine’s membership in the NPT and its status as a non-nuclear country in return for security assurances. The signatories were the presidents of Ukraine (Leonid Kuchma), the US (Bill Clinton), Russia (Boris Yeltsin), and the British Prime Minister (John Major). Later, China and France, who became NPT members in 1992, also became signatories.

The Budapest Memorandum came after the Lisbon Protocol of 1992, which made Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan parties to the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I), a 1991 treaty signed by the US and the Soviet Union to reduce the number of nuclear weapons on each side.

The Budapest document committed the powers to “respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine” and the “obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine”. It also committed them to not using their weapons against Ukraine “except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations”.

The above excerpt comes from a distinctly “unbiased and even-handed” (intentionally neutral) article from The Indian Express, entitled

Explained: Why Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal.…

Interestingly, as a wheat exporter, India also happens to be one of the beneficiaries of Putins War on Ukraine.…


To reinforce your point, remember that Ukraine had lots of nukes, but gave them up at the behest of the United States, Russia, Britain, France, and China, in return for promises from the signatories of the Budapest Memorandum and the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) via the Lisbon Protocol.

Trust superpowers at your own peril, if convenient you are defended, if not – sacrificed.

The Captain


Word on NPR last night Iran and the US et al are coming to an agreement.

Love or hate them the Iranian government has a rational side to them. There is a lot more to them than there is to the NK government. The two countries are in totally different positions. If I were NK I would not give up my nukes when facing Chinese eventual expansion.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are rational enough to keep it nuke free.