Seeking Expert Advice: Tools & Tips for Tracking Options Trades

Hi everyone!

I’m looking for a simple way to keep track of my options trades, like when I roll them, how much money I’m making on each trade, and how I’m doing overall. I think something like an Excel spreadsheet or a software would be perfect, but I haven’t found the right one yet.

Has anyone here found a good tool or template for this? Or do you have any tips on how to make tracking easier? I’d really love to hear what’s working for you and if you’re willing to share your tools or advice.

Thanks a bunch for helping out!

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Hello everyone,

Before I begin drafting our own, I conducted an internet search for free, downloadable options trackers. Here are my findings:

  1. Advanced Options Tracker:
    Google Sheets: (link)

I will try to adopt this version for my own needs.

  1. Simple Options Tracker:
    Google Sheets: (link)