Carriers released their latest report today (02/13/24)
- Dry bulker activity eased off to 17 vessels transacted this week.
- Including a pair of Newcastlemaxes in an enbloc trade, 4 newer vessels (< 5 yrs) sold by, what appears to be the same party.
- Vessels sold still mostly on the modern side, including an Ultramax by CMB
- 16 tanker vessels sold, with vessels across the category spectrum.
- A Torm MR tanker sold, plus Golar Mazo (older LNG carrier that had transitioned to NFE)
- Major LNG tanker order by the Qataris - 15 tankers from Samsung. Pricing suggests this was either options included with a prior order, or, a volume discount. Leaning towards the former as CLCO had a couple of options exercised in that ball-park (New LNG tanker prices have eased a little, but usually in the $255M - $265M range)
- Dry bulk spot generally higher
- VLCC and Suezmax spot also higher. LPG rates saw significant improvement