SHOP and guns

hlygrail posted the news that broke yesterday about SHOP. Thank you for keeping us all in the loop on the latest.

This to me is a huge deal. I think it is a huge mistake on Shopify’s part. On the SHOP discussion board someone likened it to the NFLX quickster debacle, that resonated with me, I agree.

I feel inclined to let everyone know after I just did a write up on my portfolio and SHOP. After sleeping on this last night. I woke up this AM and sold pre-market most of my SHOP stock. Only reason I did not sell it all is some of it is in HSA account which does not allow pre and post market trading.

I have stated in the past that best thing about owning stocks is when something comes up that you do not like or feel good about you can sell quick and get out. Something like a lawsuit or a decision by the CEO that you do not like.

I do not like the fact that they basically pulled the rug out from business owners that built their business using Shopify. As a business owner it makes me wonder what is to prevent them from doing that same thing to me, if in the future the deem my business to be politically incorrect to them or damaging to society or whatever reason they want. You do not think other business owners will be thinking twice before building a website on Shopify platform?

I think they are going to lose business more than just the gun owners over this. This reeks of “bad business” to me.

p.s. I do not want to get into a political debate about guns or gun violence, so please do not reply with any comment pertaining to that.


I think they are going to lose business more than just the gun owners over this. This reeks of “bad business” to me.


  1. It never was a part of the investment thesis form me
  2. When DKS changed their gun sale conditions in a similar fashion earlier this year, it did not affect their results or stock price visibly.

If politically charged media frenzy manages to lower SHOPs price over this, I’m buying more.


This has become a political argument. PLEASE TAKE IT TO ANOTHER BOARD.
Thanks for your cooperation.