In another post I bemoaned the lack of info about digital sales. The above reports actually reports a sales figure, not confirmed by the studio, but still, it’s a connected industry site.
Very cool info. Some fascinating implications: apparently 2.1 million first week is a record. So…better than “Force Awakens”? “Avengers”? “Avatar”? Quite notable if accurate.
I wonder too which platform prevailed: did more consumers opt for iTunes? Amazon? Etc.?
Why, too, do people buy digitally when the physical is coming, or digital/physical rental is coming? That would be useful info. I wonder if people, in this case, are so smitten with the film they just can’t wait (maybe they could wait for those other movies I mentioned). Or, are the buyers people who eschewed theater because of SARS and could not wait? And why couldn’t they wait…were they too enthralled and cajoled by all the buzz equity intrinsic to this movie? What is the overlap between buyers who saw the film and those who did not?
I should say, too, this 2.1 million figure indicates something we’ve all thought: digital revenue isn’t that much, especially if this stat is a record. That’s just a feeling, I suppose, since we don’t have other stats. I would have thought something above 5 million considering all the hype with this film. Nevertheless, at least we have a data point on which to think about…
One thing I’ll add: studios should think about having every released version, digital or otherwise, have unique extras to differentiate each product and give excuses for buying…so, the digital-buy version would have one set, the digital-rental might have nothing, the Redbox rental disc may have a certain portfolio of features, the DVD-only has its own options, etc. If I recall, I think in the past studios used to place simple games on discs that could be played via the DVD controller; maybe go back to that (and of course on digital versions, I assume it is possible to put more complex games, but I’m not certain if the platform - whether it be iTunes or Amazon - would cause complications for that)
The above linked article is a good read for all its analysis…