The 10 Worst States to Live In

I look at it everyday but in the opposite direction. We don’t want you to move here. Visiting is good. Spend money so the locals can get out of the cow …

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IP: for reasons it is not given to mortals to know, this thread just came up in my “tracked, unread” folder.

FWIW, we’ve lived in the Southern Oregon area for the last 30 years and would do it again. Climate meets your specifications, the medical community s first-rate, and the fishing/kayaking/misc outdoor is endless.

Ashland, OR is home of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, which acts as a nidus for high-end restaurants, independent bookstore and the like. There’s also an outdoor music festival each summer.

The local airport (MFR) has multiple daily flights - including connection-friendly 5-6 am departures - for San Francisco, Denver, Seattle

It’s been a colder-than-average month, but I see just one day since Oct 28 that didn’t break 45 degrees:

As far as driving distance? Depends on your definition, and fondness for windshield time. I’ve driven from as far away as NC, and numerous trips to the midwest over the years




Yeah, this new system is interesting that way.

It’s an area that interested me quite a bit, but people we know here moved from Portland, OR area to get away from the wildfire smoke. I realize that’s northern OR, but wonder how much smoke you have had to deal with? My sister near San Francisco was considering moving for the same reason.



Air quality is an issue, but (so far, at least) not a dealbreaker for us. A few things:

First, air quality isn’t an issue October - June. Inversion layers happen – it’s a valley – but PM 2.5 typically doesn’t get above 100, much less 200, in those nine months.

As far as the summers: over the last, say, 7-8 years it’s been a pattern of about half the August - mid-September periods being awful, with the other half ranging from Eh, Not That Bad to That Really Wasn’t Bad At All This Year, Was It?

The record-bad air quality was two years ago in the weeks surrounding the near-catastrophic Almeda and Obenchain fires (an hour’s drive apart, with the Obenchain starting an hour after the Almeda…hmmm).

The worst summer, however, was five? six? years ago when one fire after another sent its smoke here to linger…just awful, for an endless 6-7 week period starting at the end of July. It really seemed that fires to the north of us sent the smoke south; fires to our east blew west; fires to the south…you get the idea.

With that said, summer 2021 had only a bad few days - our late August family reunion was under blue skies - and 2022 if anything was better. I won’t work outside at AQI >150, and I don’t think I had to curtail my activity at all this summer

Here’s a crowdsourced real-time AQI map. There’s a download tool in the bottom-left corner where you can download a range of dates, although it requires some Python skills to make the result user-friendly

It is getting hotter. We might have had a couple of 110-degree days in the last 30+ years, but this July we had one day that hit 112.9 degrees.

Finally: I’ve never lived in an area that didn’t have a horrid few months (Chicago, Houston, Ann Arbor, Davis, LA). And a lot of people escape to the beach.


missing the ‘email this reply privately’ option, too

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LOL. Yeah. I am complaining about days in the 90’s, albeit with high humidity as well. Sounds like out of the frying pan and into the fire for OR!

Kind of what we are concluding as well. We may be looking for two locations, but would love at least a 3 season one for a primary with a second location for the off season. At our current location, summers and winters are pretty much meh. Too much bouncing around moving somewhere every other season. Is two seasons in one place too much to hope for?



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My neighbor departed a few days ago, to spend the winter in his new condo in Florida.

I bet, when he comes back in the spring, he will blame the dead/frozen battery, critter eaten wiring, and brake pads seized to the rotors, on the car he left behind, on Michigan, rather than on his leaving the car outside, instead of clearing his stuff out , and putting the car in his garage, so it would be protected from the weather.


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He also should have left the keys with his neighbor to start it and drive it around the block a few times every week or two while he is gone!