The Ukraine War

During WW II half a day’s work.

Russia has had the worst brain drain in the last 70 years in Europe. That messes a lot of things up.

I’d love to know how many Russian field commanders on all levels are shagged by their own.

I think the word you are looking for is “fragged.”


I was searching for that word.

I should not type and think any longer.

I know a Russian in this area. He likes the word shag but for other reasons.

Yep, “shagged” is something else entirely. LOL.


Not entirely.

In fact, it can have the exact same meaning.

Unprecedented declines in morale and discipline among troops in Vietnam spawned fragging a phenomenon forever tied to the Vietnam War in which the M26, M61 or M67 fragmentation grenade was used to kill a superior officer often ending in court-martial
In 1970, in addition to Tate’s murder, the U.S. Army reported 209 cases of fragging.
Journalist Eugene Linden, in a 1972 Saturday Review article, described the practice of “bounty hunting” whereby enlisted men pooled their money to be paid out to a soldier who killed an officer or sergeant they considered dangerous. One well-known example of bounty hunting came out of the infamous Battle of Dong Ap Bai, aka Hamburger Hill, in May 1969.

the army underground newspaper in Vietnam, GI Says , reportedly offered a $10,000 bounty on the very aggressive officer who led the attacks, Lt. Col. Weldon Honeycutt. Several unsuccessful attempts were reported to have been made on the colonel’s life

In the first 11 months of 1971, some 215 incidents resulted in 12 more deaths. As of July 1972, when the last American soldiers were leaving Vietnam, there had been 551 reported fragging incidents, killing 86 and injuring more than 700.

Major Colin Powell (later a four-star general) said he was “living in a large tent and I moved my cot every night, partly to thwart Viet Cong informants who might be tracking me, but also because I did not rule out attacks on authority from within the battalion itself.”

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The current president is going out in a bang as he has authorized use of U.S.-supplied long-range to target within Russia.

It is my understanding that these long range missiles must be linked to space reconnaissance data provide by the US or NATO.

We have joined Ukraine in attacking Russia.

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No, we have joined Ukraine in defending Ukraine.


Do you think it was POTATUS or someone else who authorized their use?


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I believe you’re correct in your questioning: certainly it was not POTATUS (whatever that is). It was actually the current POTUS.



Nope. Ukraine is using the tools at its disposal. A variety of European countries can now decide to send troops into Ukraine, exactly as the NK troops are in Ukraine. Poot-Poot opened the door to third-country entry into the war, Europe can choose to do the same–on the same basis.


For over two years, Russia has pummeled every square mile of Ukraine with Iranian made drones, Chinese and NK made ammo, and now NK troops. Are we threatening Iran, China, or NK, for supplying Russia?



We do’t want a nuclear WW-III
War hawks are dangerous.

Shut this war down NOW !


Putin is really good at saber rattling. Knowing full well that someone will react in his favor. I still say he is bluffing. He does not believe he can win a nuclear war.

We should ignore his threats and defend Ukraine vigorously.


Everyone happy with the escalation?

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A war without the consent from Congress or UN.
Well after all, we are the “Exceptional” nation unfettered by the constitution or rule of law.

Why because a Russian puppet said so?


Yes!!! The Russians started this war, and the west is using the war to sap Russian power as much as possible. It would be great if Russia wastes their ICBMs on Ukraine. If this keeps up, Russia will have little meaningful weaponry remaining, and will lack the industrial capacity to build more. It’s a perfect way to weaken Russia and provide an abject lesson to China to avoid military adventures against their neighbors.

President Joe Biden has authorized the provision of antipersonnel land mines to Ukraine, a step that will bolster Kyiv’s defenses against advancing Russian troops but has drawn criticism from arms control groups.

The move comes in the wake of the White House’s recent authorization allowing Ukraine to use a powerful missile system to strike inside Russia — part of a sweep of urgent actions that the lame-duck Biden administration is taking to help Kyiv’s faltering war effort.

The Biden administration is deeply concerned about Russia’s assaults against Ukraine’s front lines in recent weeks and sees a pressing need to blunt the advance, U.S. officials said.

What happened to “Russia is about to break” meme that we have heard from the West’s Main Stream Media?

Perhaps the present president is worried about his legacy and wishes/hoping to tie the president-elect to this war.

“A fair share of Ukrainians who favor negotiating a quick end to the war believe Ukraine should be open to ceding some territory in exchange for peace. More than half of this group (52 percent) agrees that Ukraine should be open to making some territorial concessions as part of a peace deal to end the war, while 38 percent disagree and another 10 percent don’t know,” Gallup reported. To contrast, in 2022, 73 percent of Ukrainians preferred fighting until victory, without, of course, defining what victory is. That has obviously changed.

Ukrainians have read the writing on the wall, as evident from the Gallup poll. The Europeans have made overtures to reach out to Moscow. The only plausible reason for the latest massive surge is to sabotage the president-elect’s desire to deescalate the conflict, which is the mandate of the American people

Speaking at a meeting of the Ukraine Contact Group at the tail end of 2022, General Mark Milley, then the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, wanted Ukraine to sue for peace when they were ahead in the battlefield.

Zelensky wants to fight on. But what do the Ukrainian people want? It seems they are tired of the US strategic goal to drain the Russian military.