Given that this site’s “Categories” and the old site’s “Favorites” I have been working at a way to put Categories in a list – sort of like the old My Favorites page.
If you figure it out, send step-by-step-lol
| GWPotter
September 29 |
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Given that this site’s “Categories” and the old site’s “Favorites” I have been working at a way to put Categories in a list – sort of like the old My Favorites page.
Here you go! Hope this helps.
So far I’m working with Tracked, without adding any Tags to the left side-bar, and I’m quite happy with how it is going.
If you figure any of this mess out the best of luck to you. Talk about a spaghetti bowl.
OK I have found a critical step in all this. After one selects a category or more (you can add any number apparently at once), there is a button on the right side of the page that says “Expand” or “Collapse”. Clicking on this button turns on/off the Save function which is darn critical.
Someplace in this world I have a thread going with a support person named Lindsey. The title is “Trouble Logging in”. That thread got me close and the Expand/collapse step I accidentally stumbled into.
Click on the three dots … to the left of the Reply on the bottom row of a message you wrote. One of the icons is a garbage can.
TMF was my Home Page too on FireFox. This new platform is now my Home Page but I find it cumbersome, difficult, and a PITA!