Purpose of this post is twofold.
- Try out the new compose screen
- Ask this question:
How do I go about recreating my list of favorite boards?
Aha! This How To: Recreate Favorite Boards. Mostly. Kinda was suggested in the “Your topic is similar to…” box - That is a fantastic and useful feature and worked really well.
I would say that help on how to do this should be in an easier to find place, and that while the topic above is useful and comprehensive, actual on-site documentation with a brief how-to would Improve The Fool even more.
Also, it would be better if the auto-suggest list of categories/tags did not cover the ‘save changes’ button. It made it hard/impossible to find that button as long as the search box was active.
(Wow, paste images on a TMF message board. Whoda thunk it possible!!)
This is the tags section auto-suggest, immediately after I clicked “washington” tag. It is added to the list, but the auto-suggest box is still expanded - no save button visible:
Perhaps the save button could be put above the categories section title?
Lots to learn here but overall these boards are a nice improvement.