For those interested, I believe Cramer said this morning that one of his guests tonight will be the CEO of TLND.
For those interested, I believe Cramer said this morning that one of his guests tonight will be the CEO of TLND.
Cosmo Cramer? It might as well be. I heard Jim Cramer once refer to “Cramerica,” as if he was Kramer reincarnated.
Cramer is kind of my stopped clock - once in a long while, he’ll recommend something I think is sound, but most of the time it’s superficial and unsound, and maybe fine if the stock were trading at half its current price. I don’t know how he escaped getting tarred and feathered during the dot-com bust.
I don;t know what Cramer’s interviews are like - I hope the CEO will get to say something worth hearing and not get interrupted much.
Reading stuff on is a good test for your BS detector.
Hi Ed,
I always get a kick out of the anger that Cramer seems to generate in people. I like watching his show. I don’t watch the entire thing often but the first 10 minutes giving his take on the tenor of the market I have found to be dead on right more times than not. He is a bit high energy and the appearance of getting in and out of stocks quickly bothers many people but I think that belief misses his message. If you have watched his show, you know he espouses that the very first 10,000 should be put into an index fund and you should continue to add to it as you grow your portfolio. His “mad money” picks are a topping to that where he thinks you can beat the broad market because of very similar reasons that TMF teaches. He also teaches diversification and paying off debt before getting too deep in investing.
Yes he is loud and has buttons like “buy, buy, buy!!”, but my view of that part is that it is a TV show, it has to be entertaining to get people to watch every day.
Oh, and by the way. He did it, for years, very successfully as a hedge fund manager, you can’t take that away from him. In addition, he was ridiculed in the fall of '08 with his very public predictions of big problems with the market and he was dead on right. It was the only time he has come out so forcefully that you need to be careful. It was quite an amazing prediction actually. He also started talking up the market in spring of '09, which almost perfect timing.
Anyway, he is what he is, and I could see how he might rub some the wrong way, but he has a pulse on the market that I can’t say I know anyone else better and his stock selection is pretty good. He has liked APPL, GOOG, AMZN, NFLX, and many other TMF favorites for seemingly ever and has always pushed them as buy and hold type companies.
I will say that if TMF likes a stock and he likes the same stock, it really gets my attention. Two very different processes leading to the the same answer gets me very interested…
Long AMZN, GOOGL, APPL, NFLX, and many others…
I will say that if TMF likes a stock and he likes the same stock, it really gets my attention. Two very different processes leading to the the same answer gets me very interested…
I prefer to avoid what they like because they have no idea what is best for me and/or the thousands of watchers and subscribers that watch and/or pay. I don’t believe there is a “One size fits all” approach that works for all.