Ukraine $5 Billion Cash Infusion a Month…
The head of the Ukrainian parliament’s financial committee said Tuesday that Ukraine needs $5 billion in external financial assistance or it will be facing sharp budget cuts.

“We have to borrow $5 billion monthly. If we do not get it, we will have to cut spending,” Danylo Hetmantsev said, according to Reuters.

Hetmantsev said the Ukrainian government’s revenues cover less than half of its expenses due to the war.

I suppose they are looking to the US for the funds. Well it would be cheaper than the trillion dollar Afghanistan & Iraq clusterX%#&s.
Hey perhaps we could cut the $60 billion from the nearly trillion dollar US annual defense budget?


Well it would be cheaper than the trillion dollar Afghanistan & Iraq clusterX%#&s.

One difference I can see, the Ukrainians are actually interested in fighting, as opposed to the Iraqis, Afghans and Vietnamese, who were somewhat less interested in fighting for a foreign power that imposed a government of it’s own liking on them.

Lately, the news has been reporting the Ukrainians running out of ammo. The remaining Soviet stocks in NATO countries have been delivered and used. New, western, hardware may be arriving too little and too late.



Hey perhaps we could cut the $60 billion from the nearly trillion dollar US annual defense budget?


You may think you are kidding but that is exactly the logic of a government cost/benefit analysis. It is a good effective idea.