There’s (um, WAS!) a “Political Fools” forum that was still open till a couple days ago. Guess a few forums were missed…
Not really sad it’s gone, it became, overnight the gathering spot for the same old trolls I’d taken off the frown face when the others closed up… Wasted time & space to ever engage 'em, I liken them to the Bircher’s of old that I worked with many years ago, slip n slide, twisted half truths, same game, different day…
It was open this morning.
AC wondered if the wingnuts would have that effect
Maybe someone FA’d the board?
I suspect the familiar trolls latching onto it, may have tipped the scales…
*while at times entertaining, it does get old…
I’m afraid Free for All Economics is headed in the same direction.
AC will they just continue to every board until they are all closed
while at times entertaining, it does get old…
It doesn’t get old, it is old. I’m all for discussion and debate but …
AC knows a particular Fool that would be appalled by a certain relative
and that’s all I’m gonna say…
BTW it’s nice to know I’m not grayed out in your eyes.
AC g
Nope, never greyed, followed, lurking mostly on a list now of fewer favorites than before, sadly, along the way, we’ve also lost some good folks that played nice, solid even in PA, they are missed… Kept my Fav Fool list altho, many haven’t posted in years… Some likely passed, but…
The RELE gang relocated to FB, it’s different, easier user controls, but some just aren’t comfy with FB’s setup…
Onward! - Go Warriors!
weco -
wecoguy added to your Favorite Fools list.
Haven’t done that in a while.
AC but those faces are still freaking me out
not sure why that change was necessary
I did discover today, by looking at the Best listings, some more boards I’d not looked at before, to do with retirement, falling knife, a couple others… Retired for 20 years, I’m not into investments so much as seeing what others are looking into, solutions they may have found… So there are topics here, but it is really quiet without the HURL, and the other closed boards…
I need to get out and about , walk more, exercise more… Maybe another ale, first…
Guess a few forums were missed…
They killed the remainders of Speakers Corner boards, re-assigning them to their [TMF]
semi-imaginary folder:
13 Steps to Investing Foolishly
which CAN NOT be accessed.
a man reporting Live from the morgue
It was open this morning.
AC wondered if the wingnuts would have that effect
I think we're talking about 2 different subs.
Here's the one I'm referring to, in the OP: [](
Agreed... we all see things differently. But why not use this to weed out the troll dopples? Easy, "fish in a barrel" easy.
That’s the one. It was open in the am on the east coast.
AC watching the deterioration into madness without popcorn
I’m glad that board got closed. It’s not my favorite way of dealing with trolls. But it’s one way.
ThyPeace, would prefer to remove the cancer, rather than the limb.