What Invasion of Ukraine Means for Investors

Apologies if this is a repeat. I have to go to exercise class and just can’t look at the hundreds of posts here!

I don’t have a subscription to WSJ. On facebook they said this article is free w/o subscription
What Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Means for Investors
Investors should pay close attention to the long-run trends that Russia’s attack will intensify
This time, the sound of cannons in Ukraine spells bad news not just for Ukrainians but for the outlook for investors, too. Western politicians regarded Crimea as another part of the consolidation of Russia’s sphere of influence, on a par with Georgia, but really not worth getting that worked up about—it had been Russian until 1954, after all. The invasion of Ukraine is different, and makes real the undercurrent of concern about economic reliance on powerful autocrats and dictators who regard the West as the enemy.

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The articles I saw did not say much. US companies not much effected.

Energy for Europe greatest concern. Russian oil and gas is an important energy source. Stopping Russian oil will drive up oil prices. Europe needs to accellerate its green energy programs.

Manufacturers in Ukraine shutting down and instructing employees to stay home.

Finland reconsidering joining Nato in response to Russian invasion.

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Europe needs to accellerate its green energy programs.

The US needs to go back to pumping oil & gas. Germany needs to restart the nuclear power plants. As much as I like Tesla, Putin is a bigger danger to the planet than the global warming so called crisis.

The Captain


The US needs to go back to pumping oil & gas. Germany needs to restart the nuclear power plants. As much as I like Tesla, Putin is a bigger danger to the planet than the global warming so called crisis.

Hey, if Putin starts a nuclear war, the resulting environmental changes may rapidly stop global warning in its tracks. Just like a protracted gigantic volcanic eruption might do.