Where can I post Monthly Portfolio Updates?

Hi fellow fools! :wave:

I would like to post monthly portfiolio updates, similar to how members of the “Saul’s Investing Discussions” board are doing. I’ve tried to apply for posting rights on that board, but I was denied as I’ve been a lurker on these Motley Fool boards until now.
So I’d like to find a place where I could post my portfolio updates on a monthly basis.
Where is the best place to be doing this?

Thanks in advance!


You could start your own board on Investing strategies.


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Quite a few investing boards get not many posts. You could easily adopt one. New Paradym Investing and Liquid Lounge come to mind. Or create your own.


Here is new paradigm.


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Or you can simply post one on this thread. You already have a few viewers here you could tag to take a look. That would let you see if you actually find the writeup worthwhile along with getting some initial feedback.

I’ve found the recaps at Saul’s super valuable not for what people own but more for the thought processes behind it. I’ve also found it’s a great accountability tool for managing my own portfolio. It’s hard to rationalize or bs yourself when you write it down. Most times you know if you’re lying to yourself the moment it leaves your fingertips.


@stocknovice that’s exactly the reason I’d like to give this practice a go. To add some accountability - it might help me avoid making any rash decisions, if I will have to give a reasonable explanation to the public at large. :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone! I think I will use the existing board: New Paradigm Investing - Motley Fool Community


My first portfolio update: TheSailingDev's Portfolio end of May 2024 :partying_face:


I’m new to the Fool and was just wondering if there is a way to show the Ranking in my portfolios? Do Rankings just go to 10 or are there Rankings for every stock?

Hi chall99. What do you mean by Rankings?

Hi @chall99

For best results with the question, please ask in the premium community with is accessible with your subscription, not the free side. Here’s a link on where to post: https://community.fool.com/c/premium-central/just-ask/203

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