Fighting for the right to spread a deadly disease. You can’t get any stupider than that.
Nice ballo0ons ya gotz flying there, pops!
Happy Fooliversary
The judge in Canada issued an injunction requiring the demonstrators in Windsor to disperse by 7PM.
A local Detroit TV station was running a livestream, in case anything happened. As 8:30 approached people were still milling around, with music playing over their sound system. Then the sound system played “Oh Canada” and “The Star Spangled Banner”, while people waved flags that were part Canadian and part USian, apparently symbolizing their unity in ignorance. Then the web cam cut off.
Not a very democratic moral principle, but at least we know where you stand.
I think going easy on the “truckers” is cool.
But I think the auto manufacturers and others shipping goods need to sue for damages.
Because this protest could have simply been held out of the way not doing any damage to innocent people and companies.
I think the auto union should sue as well for damages.
I am all for democracy, just for everyone.
Fighting for the right to spread a deadly disease. You can’t get any stupider than that.
Actually that is just the tip of their iceberg.
Not a very democratic moral principle,
No, it isn’t but winners write the history books, like it or not.
but at least we know where you stand.
Obviously you don’t.
Why was it necessary to write the Bill of Rights? To protect the individual from mob rule. Are you against the Bill of Rights? Obviously not. What would you do if the Bill of Rights were ignored and people were deprived of their human rights? What recourse do you have? What would you do if your human rights were violated?
The Captain
Fighting for the right to spread a deadly disease. You can’t get any stupider than that.
Yes you can!
The Captain
…while people waved flags that were part Canadian and part USian, apparently symbolizing their unity in ignorance. Then the web cam cut off.
Seems to remind me of what I learned about the display of the “ignorance” by rebel folks back in 1776. Many of their fellow colonistas packed their bags and headed north, to separate themselves from their ignorant neighbors. I forget the exact percentages, but as I recall it wasn’t trivial.
The start of America’s revolution was FAR from being widely popular among ‘the educated and the elites’.
The start of America’s revolution was FAR from being widely popular among ‘the educated and the elites’.
Yes, for sure.
And now we’re hearing the modern version chants of “Vaccination without Representation.” Where’s ol’ Tom Paine when we need him?
Demonstrators in Windsor dispersing peacefully this morning.
Canada border blockade clearing peacefully as police move in
WINDSOR, ON – A tense standoff at a U.S.-Canadian border crossing crucial to both countries’ economies appeared to be dissolving peacefully Saturday as Canadian police moved in to disperse the nearly weeklong blockade and demonstrators began leaving without resistance.…
Now, we wait to see if a similar blockade develops on the US side.
Seems to remind me of what I learned about the display of the “ignorance” by rebel folks back in 1776. Many of their fellow colonistas packed their bags and headed north, to separate themselves from their ignorant neighbors. I forget the exact percentages, but as I recall it wasn’t trivial.
The start of America’s revolution was FAR from being widely popular among ‘the educated and the elites’.
Included my Dad’s ancestors who abandoned their prosperous farm on what is now Hanson St. in Dover NH and with another family bought a boat in Salem heading North. They eventually ended up in Fredericton in what was part of a much larger Nova Scotia where free land was offered to “Loyalists”.
Of course there were so many of them that they demanded their own province. Nova Scotia was split in two and the mainland part along with a small part of Quebec became New Brunswick. I’m sure nobody is surprised that there is a Hanson St. in Fredericton where my dad was born in 1908 that was a horse farm at the time … just in time for the automobile to put them out of business?
the trucker’s right to demonstrate ends when they obstruct other people’s right to go about their business.
Too bad the folks in charge of Portland and Oregon didn’t take that same attitude towards the demonstrators who took obstructing other people’s right to go about their business (or even to keep their business) to new heights.
Too bad the folks in charge of Portland and Oregon
I wondered about that myself. We old phartz remember a huge anti-war demonstration in DC. The police swooped down and scooped up so many people they used the football stadium to corral them all.
Maybe it’s different now. Two years ago, the Michigan capital building was overrun with heavily armed demonstrators. The State Police detachment kept them out of the House and Senate chambers, which were in session at the time. The demonstrators did not attack the State Troopers, nor was there the degree of property damage we saw in DC on January 6, but the mob didn’t leave until it felt like it.
Steve…got his first whiff of tear gas in the first of several riots in high school
Too bad the folks in charge of Portland and Oregon didn’t take that same attitude
Left is the opposite of right…
The Captain
…and never the twain shall meet