Canada COVID protest donor list

Half the money came from “outside agitators”.

Canadians are responsible for roughly half the money raised online for the trucker convoy, leaked data shows.…



Half the money came from “outside agitators”.


Is the other half related to cancel culture folks holding on for dear life to racism?

Half the money came from “outside agitators”.

Canadians are responsible for roughly half the money raised online for the trucker convoy, leaked data shows.…

Convoy protest received hundreds of donations that appeared to be from abroad

The most common source for foreign donations was the United States
Elizabeth Thompson · CBC News · Posted: Feb 10, 2022 4:00 AM ET |

Apparently there are dueling views but many of the fund me sites don’t track the source.

The nytimes article is behind a paywall.

Apparently there are dueling views but many of the fund me sites don’t track the source.

Another organization however does have access … hackers.


February 14, 2022 6:07 PM AST

Last Updated 5 hours ago

Names of Canada truck convoy donors leaked after reported hack

By Raphael Satter and Anna Mehler Paperny

LONDON/TORONTO, Feb 14 (Reuters) - A website devoted to disseminating leaked data says it was given reams of information about donors to a Canadian movement opposed to pandemic health measures after a fundraising platform popular with supporters of the group allegedly suffered a hack.

Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoS) said on its website late on Sunday that it had 30 megabytes of donor information from the U.S.-based Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo, including names, email addresses, ZIP codes and internet protocol addresses.

GiveSendGo had previously asserted it was not subject to a Canadian court order that froze these funds.


Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoS) said on its website late on Sunday that it had 30 megabytes of donor information from the U.S.-based Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo, including names, email addresses, ZIP codes and internet protocol addresses.

GiveSendGo had previously asserted it was not subject to a Canadian court order that froze these funds.

Update: Apparently GiveSendGo is having trouble delivering the donated funds to the intended recipients due to the new requirements created by the Emergency Declaration. The truckers (many of them aren’t actually truckers) have been “passing the hat” to keep going.

The organizers In Coutts AB have decided the group caught and arrested with guns have made it impossible to continue. They have sort of declared victory and decided to go home. Not sure if all of them are leaving but the Province is finally going to get off their collective conservative butts so should be news soon.

Speaking of … look what just popped up.…

UPDATED WATCH: Coutts blockade protesters call it quits
“We didn’t sign up to come here and start a war. The intention was to be peaceful,” said Evans.

Published 11 hours ago on February 14, 2022 By Melanie Risdon

After the seizure of several weapons from a small group that had joined the larger group at the Coutts blockade, organizers say they feel it’s best to wrap up the protest at the Alberta border and go home.

There was a blockade in Surry BC that has also been broken up by the police with four arrests.

I wasn’t sure of the story on the “Emergency Act” but it was a replacement for the “War Measures Act” in 1988 and has never been used before yesterday. I was living in Germany in 1988 and Canadian News was somewhat sparse which is probably why I hadn’t heard of it?

Anymouse <nobody has died … yet!>


Convoy protest received hundreds of donations that appeared to be from abroad
The most common source for foreign donations was the United States

All part of the global village.

(Wasn’t Marshall McLuhan Canadian?)


All part of the global village.

(Wasn’t Marshall McLuhan Canadian?)


Of a sort, he was born in Alberta! }};-D

Thanks for the opening.


POLITICS 14h ago

Trudeau plans record number of immigrants to Canada through 2024

Randy Thanthong-Knight, Bloomberg News

Canada, a country that relies heavily on immigration to grow its labor force, has set an ambitious plan to bring in more than 1.3 million newcomers over the next three years to support its post-pandemic growth.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government aims to add more than 431,000 permanent residents this year, 447,000 in 2023 and 451,000 in 2024, according to the 2022-24 Immigration Levels Plan released on Monday. Figures for this year and 2023 have been revised higher from earlier targets of 411,000 and 421,000, respectively.

1 Like

Trudeau plans record number of immigrants to Canada through 2024

Meanwhile, the local news reported Canadian authorities are watching for USians trying to come to Canada to join the trucker demonstrations.


Meanwhile, the local news reported Canadian authorities are watching for USians trying to come to Canada to join the trucker demonstrations.


The Ottawa Police Chief resigned today … suspect one step ahead of a ‘firing’ squad!

Cutting off the money seems to be working as are threats to lose vehicle, drivers license, major fines, potential jail time with a criminal record that precludes crossing most borders? Lots of other stuff comes out of the Emergency including ordering heavy tow trucks to remove vehicles blocking roads. Up till now many have been refusing to do so in fear of pizzing off customers for their services.

A bit more good news today the Feds have removed the requirement for a PCR test for fully vaccinated to return to Canada from foreign countries. A simple rapid test may still be required.

Off to see our Doctor tomorrow morning for a real visit … flu shots and other stuff as well as discuss our blood and urine test from last week. No cash or credit cards required.
