Wood heat and the big freeze

Whatabout this one. Lovely to look at when a) you have power and b) there’s nowhere to go . Unfortunately, husband has a full morning of procedures that can’t be shifted at this late stage. So, photo #1 is a view to enjoy (facing West and the Rockies

#2 is the front of the house facing East and up our driveway…after I got my Outback onto the road, finally. Took a good unnecessary 10 minutes thanks to the nanny features that had the RAB system kicking in just on the point of me breaking through the wall of snow the plough left.

Mountain living has is challenges

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Your house and your view is gorgeous!!!

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We’re in Golden, Colorado. Halfway up North Table Mountain and the back of the house looking west towards the Front Range. It is lovely, no doubt about it…but this morning was a bit too challenging for my tastes.


Is that anywhere near Gold Lake or Golden Lake, CO? I was there for a week in the summer of 1987 on a corporate team building trip. I enjoyed that trip quite a bit as I recall!

I don’t think you can go wrong with Starbucks gift certificates. However, I’ll text her right now to ask.

Truthfully, the way that some folk have begun to act over the last couple of years and the initial novelty of a hospital that was there for them 24/7 wore off any show of appreciation would go down a treat. Even a nice note of thanks has become so unusual my daughter actually remarks on it.

We have a few artisan store in town…one of which sells handmade soaps and toiletries (that they make themselves)…I’ve just gifted a bunch of these to a couple of the internal medicine vets, techs and front desk staff (so they didn’t feel left out) My dog has just had a bout of pancreatitis and I got a bit of preferential treatment…rightly so as the dog is my daughter’s and she just doesn’t like to many children or other dogs around her for too long (there’s one of each at the daughter’s)

Here she is looking cute …but she’s a Basenji through and through

Edit…and I was right first time. I just texted and got a near immediate response…a nice review on social media. The only problem with actual gifts is that they need to be for everyone…which is fine if it’s a small practice and you can be sure you haven’t forgotten anyone. My daughter’s hospital is big so, even though I limited the goodies to the folk I knew took care of Rose, the rest (about 90% of daughter’s staff) couldn’t rightly feel miffed.


Quite the expressive face!

We have seen so many vets and vet techs over the years, so hoping for something communal.



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[quote=“VeeEnn, post:25, topic:85274”]
The only problem with actual gifts is that they need to be for everyone…which is fine if it’s a small practice and you can be sure you haven’t forgotten anyone.

Heh. The edit feature can make replies problematic.

I think we will just go with flowers, a card and a platter of cookies, as well as a review. They have been particularly patient with us this week.

RIP my little fur baby

really missing the Pet Lovers board right now


Excellent choice. I was always happy with gifts such as this when I had the practice. Everyone got to share.

Condolences on losing the pupper. Always hard to say goodbye and get used to not having them around.

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According to Google, Gold Lake resort is about 15 miles west of Boulder…which itself is about 15 or so miles due north of here. So yes, pretty close although I’d never heard of it.

There are lots of “Golds” of some sort around these parts because of the mining back in Days of Yore. Golde, though, is named after Thomas Golden…a miner from Georgia who supposedly was one of the first prospectors to find gold here.

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I remember that the place was absolutely beautiful. Stunning actually since I had lived in a big city my entire life up to then. One activity was a “trust lean” … you had a harness connected to a cable behind you, and on a cliff edge (3000 ft drop they told us), you would lean over as far as you dared while your team mates held the cable keeping you from falling. This was the 80s, so yeah.

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Update: The problem was so minor that the service tech and I were able to sort it out on a phone call at no charge. They were so swamped, they were glad to get out of a house call. One of the air returns is high on the wall in our bedroom. When the heat pump is running. it is taking warm air out of the room so for the past 7 years I have covered it up in the winter. This year with the extended period of sub zero temps the heat pump was running more and for longer times and that reduced air flow created a problem. Resetting the system and uncovering the air return solved the problem. I went ahead and cut a return closer to the floor too. That way the room has a winter and a summer return.


I just saw this thread and I am sad I missed out on the adventure.

We ended up traveling during the worst of the cold, but that was on I-10 and it was in the 20’s with not rain or snow.

Today, New Years day, the air conditioner is running in my condo here in the redneck riviera. It is so foggy I cannot the 100 yard fishing pier sticking out into the bay.



Also across all of south Florida, the fog is thick. Very unusual!

A friend made a very astute comment … he said that we had all 4 seasons last week. And it’s true, started at the weekend with winter, then a day or two of crisp cool autumn, then a beautiful spring day, and then back to summer (85+humid).


The only things I can say are, it is paid for, I am in a low tax town which does not exist to any side of our town, and there is a golf course up the center of the condo complex. Not that I play golf but it maintains the value of the property. I enjoyed the clubhouse with friends last night.

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So a sobering update on this thread…and a huge “what were we thinking!?!” for us (and any other Real Grown up WRT snow shoveling)

One of our pals …a guy in his mid 70s, so no age at all, right?.. was found by one of his neighbours lying unconscious in his driveway later on in the morning that we had our confrontation with Nature (the photos) He’d been shoveling his driveway.

His partner is sending out group texts advising us of his progress and I think her impression is a “slip and fall” type accident with a thwack on his head. However, he’s in the ICU and intubated…so, doesn’t sound quite like that.

Our particular street is a loop of just 16 homes and isn’t ploughed by the town so our HOA has a contract with a landscaping company…which doesn’t quite have the horsepower in their vehicles that the town does but, nevertheless usually does a decent job *plus" does the sidewalks and has a small crew to shovel our driveways. We’re usually well shoveled by the time dh ever has to leave for work but this time round were caught on the hop, I think. Not as badly as the town crews mind so I think it was the unexpected heavy snowfall…oh for local news stations that oversell the bad weather.

Anyway, dh now wants to get a great big snowblower…small driveway and blokes who shovel notwithstanding (we’re the opposite of you and your husband when it comes to purchases like this, Wendy)…primarily because he now perceives me as a Cardiac Cripple in spite of my fitness. I’m almost willing to concede that point after this news of our friend so I might compromise with a modest attachment to our EGO cordless power handle.

Not a request for product endorsement per se (wouldn’t be unwelcome, mind) but a reminder for us Chronologically Enriched. Snowshoveling (and possibly log splitting) is a common “detection tool” for previously undiagnosed CAD


Good points. I pace myself much slower when doing physical work and take more frequent breaks than I did even 5 years ago.


On a side note, cold (excess winter mortality) kills an order or magnitude more than heat does. Global warming will reduce deaths due to temperature.



Sorry to hear about your friend.

If you do want to look for recommendations for snow removal equipment, look at the buying/maintaining a board.

One trick we used to do was park at the end of our driveway in anticipation of snow. This way shoveling was at a minimum at least, and slope and length of the driveway minimized as a problem. We also went out several times to deal with the snow while it wasn’t too deep. I say “we,” but with DH’s back it was me. Our snow, in PA at that time, tended to be wet and heavy, so small bites were needed.


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I’ve been told that the best snow removal equipment of all is … a realtor (one in CA, AZ, FL, etc). :rofl:


To be honest, I’m looking for reasons not to get anything. The snow here is usually powder dry and light enough you could shift it with a straw and decent set of lungs…let alone a powerful snowblower! The snowfall just before New Year was a bit unexpected and fell overnight so the morning’s gift (and it was a gift seeing as we’ve had bone dry conditions for over 2 years and a wild fire near Boulder just 2 weeks ago) caught a lot of people on the hop.

I’m still pretty sure it was those safety features on my motor that were the prime culprits. You can disable them if you think ahead (but they both switch back on as a default when you turn the engine off) I was making steady, sure fire progress up the driveway and quite literally just as I was within a foot or so of being free and clear, the brakes effectively stomped on themselves as the RAB kicked in. That was it … I’d lost momentum and the struggle started.