Dave Ramsey and Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary top the list.
I can’t imagine that Jim Cramer and his really swell “pay for it” club isn’t #1 with a bullet.
I think Cramer escaped scrutiny because he’s not really giving personal finance advice. He’s more of a stock picking tip sheet.
Suze Orman should probably be on the list. But her popularity has waned, and she’s no longer on the radar for the general public.
Maybe one day we’ll have a Jack Bogle AI dispensing credible and valuable financial advice.
And he takes out Kiyosaki, who’s been peddling some complex, muddled and legally questionable strategy for years in RDPD.
If Ramsey had stopped at “get a 30 year mortgage, invest the difference / refinance and don’t pay it off”, he would have been solid.
The only disagreement with Ramit is the missing out on the 10 best / 30 best days argument. It’s unbalanced if they’re not ticked off against the 10 worst days / 30 worst days - because they historically tend to happen at the same time: in bear markets.
Kiyosaki’s financial advice is basically buy rental properties for wildly under market prices. Stellar advice, tough to implement.