Thanks to all that post their results, and just as important - I appreciate the thought process behind action/no action that is taken.
My portfolio is up 18.8% for the year.
Top ten holdings and their % representation:
NFLX 20.4%
Cash 7.4%
AAPL 6.8%
BRK-B 6.6%
GOOG/L 5.1%
SWKS 3.7%
MFA 3.0%
MELI 2.3%
COST 2.2%
BWLD 2.0%
The top ten represent 59.6% of my portfolio; previous month was 61.1%.
Action taken in May: I bought ALGN, MELI, KMX, and SKX. I sold: GILD, LGIH, and ORLY. I sold these three to free up cash to make the purchase of the four new stocks. ALGN, MELI, and KMX are new for me; I had SKX last year, sold, and after reading an interesting article - I decided to give it another try. Less than 1% of my portfolio is in Skechers.
There are a couple of stocks that I’m considering: MOMO and COHR. They showed up in IBD’s top 50 list. More research is needed.
Top 10 stocks in terms of YTD % growth:
SVXY +30%
GOOG/L + 21%
ELLI +32%
EPAM +30%
ISRG +19%
PAYC +42%
SHOP +81%
VEEV +50%
WDAY +20%
XPO +18%
Thanks to all of you for helping me become a better investor!