a trip to the dentist

The hubster can barely walk and definitely can’t use stairs. I have 5 steps down from all my doors to the outside so I hired 2 aides to help me take the hubster to get his teeth cleaned. They decided to kind of bounce him down in the wheelchair.

He wouldn’t open wide enough for the hygienist to do a perfect job but the outsides of his teeth got de-plaqued and his teeth were examined for issues–there were none. Made him an appt for 3 months form now.

Since he was in the car already we took him to Costco to get his glasses adjusted. (I had gone to Costco the day before to replace the stem he broke off, but he wasn’t with me to get it adjusted to his face.

<2 aides for 2.5 hrs each = $125 to take him to the dentist and Costco>

I’m interviewing an aide this afternoon to replace my alternate-Saturday aide who can’t come on Saturdays for the next 12 weeks (taking a class). Not sure this will work out. She’s used to working all weekend for one client (her latest weekend client just died). She also gets $35/hr so I don’t want her to come for longer than 4 hours, and would prefer less at that rate. We’ll see if we can make a deal. She was recommended by our hospice nurse. Who also comes on Friday afternoons.


I have to give you credit for making hubster’s dentaland glasses appointments happen. I consider both a success although I know you put a lot of thought and planning into it.

I am glad that you are accepting the amount of help needed although it is very expensive. We will see what the future holds.


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We have a deal–I have an aide Saturday mornings and in a few weeks when my Sunday aide starts Sunday clinicals, I’ll have her on Sunday mornings as well. Sat and Sun evenings, my usual aide will be here after clinicals–around 7:30pm–to put him to bed.


Thanks for the update. Hope it’s a calm weekend!


Thx. So far, so good. New aide Angie came at 8:15 and stayed 3 hours. She works hard–fed th4e hubster breakfast, showered/dressed/tooth-brushed him, got him to pee in a urinal bottle, folded the laundry in the dryer, cleaned the bathroom, put dishes in the dishwasher. I took a walk, visited my mother–and the French pastry shop for brunch of quiche and fruit :wink:

In a few weeks my current Sunday aide will also have clinicals on Sundays so Angie will also pick up 3 hours on Sunday mornings. Then both Saturday and Sunday I won’t have late help till ~7:30pm after Jourdan’s clinicals are done. So all Jourdan will do is put him to bed and put on his night diaper.


So far, so good. …

So deeply pleased for you to hear you say that your Saturday included time just for you…you took a walk. Visited your mom. Had a peaceful brunch at the French pastry shop!

How did the rest of your weekend go?


I still have Jourdan for 2 hours Sunday mornings and again at 4:30pm for an hour (until next month). I had to clean up a series of 3 poo’s shortly after she left in the morning yesterday, but he was cooperative so not terribly back-breaking. Not quite so cooperative for this afternoon’s poo at 3:30 (also on my lonesome). Luckily Jourdan comes at 4:30 to feed him dinner and do a better cleanup job in the bed. Plus he gets a shower every morning, which makes me feel better about his being in Depends/diapers.

He doesn’t go “walkabout” any more so in that sense is easier to care for–never more than a few steps from his recliner in the den. He pees on the floor maybe 2 or 3 times a week instead of 2 or 3 times a day, so that’s better.

Sometimes he moans after going to sleep. I hold his hand and stroke his hair/face/arm and say soothing things. He stops moaning and goes right back to sleep. One of many reasons I prefer to have him at home–he’s like a toddler that needs soothing sometimes.

I’m getting more sleep. I have frequent nightmares, though.