I was called by the Medicare-affiliated home health agency yesterday afternoon, and less than an hour later the intake PT examined DH. Of course, that meant that DH was especially sure-footed compared to recent months, climbing up and down the front stoop at a reasonable pace and without holding onto the railing or getting two feet on each step before proceeding as he has been for the past few weeks. The 3 of us took a short walk, where he was slow but had no need to hold onto anyone or anything.
DH was unable to follow or imitate instructions for standing up & down on tiptoes while holding the kitchen counter, making arm circles, a seated leg exercise). I was able to do arm circles with him by grasping his hands and both of us doing them. I did everything so I felt like I got a little PT
Best of all he took the hubster’s BP–120/60. Alrighty! I tried taking it with our wrist cuff shortly after–way lower coz when I do it he fidgets, wants to hold my hand, grips the lap blanket I roll up to raise him arm, etc.
Anyhow, even though we think it won’t be terribly useful, Medicare allows for PT twice a week for 3 weeks to see if it can help. Can’t wait! At least we can walk outside again (no rainy days please on PT day!) and get his BP twice a week. At least once or twice I’d like our aide to be present so she can learn his exercises and maybe get him to do them when we lose the professional. When I get very close to him, he gives me a hug or assumes I want to take his hand to lead him somewhere, so it’s confusing.
The PT has worked with other advanced dementia patients over the years and says DH is a lot more functional physically, particularly his balance–and of course way less verbally and no ability to comprehend. He was cooperative, but confused. Didn’t help that I had to wake him from a nap for the session. PT is impressed that the hubster walks so well. He even seemed less stooped than usual. And din;t show off his tremor.
BTW, this was the same guy who was my at-home PT after breaking my leg almost 2 years ago. I jumped and ran a few steps to show him my improved functionality–he was impressed
I’m becoming more forgetful to the point I’m considering requesting a cognition test for myself. After 72 years of never forgetting why I went into a room, I’ve forgotten twice in the past week. or was it 3 or 4 times… I also forgot I hid his belt and couldn’t find it. Then I found it, and now it’s missing again and I have no idea why or where. And I forgot what I planned to make for breakfast several times (so the chopped ham hangs out waiting for that Denver omelet…I hope it’s still good…maybe for lunch today–if I remember…). And I spelled fidgets figit, which was marked wrong, so I tried fidgit, still wrong, and it took me a few secs to think of fidget. I’m having similar trouble spelling more often than ever before. Yikes =8-0
Yesterday while I was opening an Amazon box on the dining table, he peed on the dining room floor while walking towards me, ending up with the final drops on the rug (this is a pricey Indian rug). At least my back is stronger so my main objection is the waste of paper towels and cleaning stuff. And feeling like I have to tail him around the house.
Last night he slept from about 8pm to 3am, then got up to pee. From about 3:45-4:15am he stayed out of bed but not to fidget with the blankets or wander the house as usual. He kept zipping and unzipping his pants (yeah, he slept in jeans again). I brought him to the toilet 4 times to no avail. Finally the 5th time I got him to sit. And he pooped. Went right back to sleep. Me, I was up 3-5:30. He didn’t wake me again till 7.