Annoying Multitasking iPhone

When visiting doctors I like to play Soduko or Sollitaire on my iPhone 13. The other day I was playing Soduko in the doctor’s office and started hearing music. I figured it must be coming from one of the other exam rooms. It finally got annoying enough that I lifted my iPhone to my ear and low and behold the offending noise was coming from my phone. The only way I could get rid of it was to power off the phone and then turn it back on again.

Now iPhones don’t have a CNTL-DEL to bring up Task Manager so I went to Google for help. Google’s answer was to look at the Battery. I tried that and it didn’t tell me a whole lot.

This has been going on for about a week now. It might be associated to a recent update of the IOS but who knows? Any suggestions on what’s going on and how to get rid of it? Thanks.

Many games have added annoying background music. You need to go into the game settings and disable it. Here’s an example from Sudoku 9 (my favorite Sudoku app).