When visiting doctors I like to play Soduko or Sollitaire on my iPhone 13. The other day I was playing Soduko in the doctor’s office and started hearing music. I figured it must be coming from one of the other exam rooms. It finally got annoying enough that I lifted my iPhone to my ear and low and behold the offending noise was coming from my phone. The only way I could get rid of it was to power off the phone and then turn it back on again.
Now iPhones don’t have a CNTL-DEL to bring up Task Manager so I went to Google for help. Google’s answer was to look at the Battery. I tried that and it didn’t tell me a whole lot.
This has been going on for about a week now. It might be associated to a recent update of the IOS but who knows? Any suggestions on what’s going on and how to get rid of it? Thanks.