Deadly Egg Recall

I don’t know. If I’m not getting a refund, I’d probably just cook the eggs thoroughly and take my chances with the salmonella – eggs are too expensive.


I know, right? Even at Costco, a couple dozen cost a little over $5 (let’s say $6 since it’s easier for the math I’m looking at)! That’s 25 cents an egg, and I usually eat 2 for breakfast! That’s 50 cents a meal! I’ll need to go on welfare soon.



Pre-pandemic, I don’t think I ever paid more than 99 cents for a dozen eggs, and you could often get them for 49 cents a dozen, or there would be a coupon for a free dozen eggs as a loss leader in Safeway’s weekly circular.

Now I’m consistently paying $3.79/dozen whether there’s bird flu going on or not.
