For a little attempt at reassurance.
First, let me emphasize that I don’t know what our stocks will do next week or next month or next three months. All I know is that my companies are doing VERY well.
Now here’s the little attempt at reassurance: Back in the fall of 2019 (a year and a half ago), our companies took a terrible tumble with a rotation into value stocks. People like zerohedge showed up on the board and hammered us with “These overvalued stocks will probably NEVER see the highs again that they had in August!” Yes, I kid you not! Someone even said they’d “never” get back to their highs. Some normally very sensible people on the board were so concerned that they thought it might take two years for some of them to actually get back to those highs. The decline was so bad that after being up 77.4% at the end of July, my portfolio finished 2019 “only” up 28.4% !!! It actually lost 28% from the highs. (Yes, sector rotations like this have happened before).
Wait! I’m not done yet! Then came the Covid Scare of 2020! After being up about 34% on Feb 19, by Mar 16th I was down 16% on the year. That was a drop of 37%! Read it again, 37%!!! In a month!!!(Yes, drops like this have happened before).
The shorts, and the value people, showed up on the board, sounding oh-so-earnest, they were only telling us this for our own good, and out of the generosity of their hearts, but we should all sell out and go into CASH! Our overvalued stocks would drop another 37% easy. I even know a board veteran who did get temporarily scared out.
But by the end of last year our companies’ stocks had enormous gains. My portfolio finished last year up 233%, at 333% of what started the year at, well more than a triple, and about a quadruple from March 16’s lows. If I had gotten scared out, I would have missed all that. And many others on the board more than doubled or tripled what they started the year with.
I certainly don’t expect tripling again this year, and that is NOT what I am saying, but it’s important to roll with the punches and not listen to guys who show up all of a sudden to tell you to sell out. Trying to time the market is a losing game!
I hope that this is of help.