Happy Birthday to Apple Computer, Inc. incorporated on this day in 1977
If you purchased $10,000 of $AAPL stock at the 1980 IPO, today it's worth $13.8M or a gain of 138,200%.
I got in to AAPL 20 years later, and I’m still happy with my return on investment.
I got in to AAPL 20 years later, and I’m still happy with my return on investment.
My Apple anecdote:
Coming out of a trade show, ~~~1979, 1980, guy with a card table right outside the exit doors, accosting folks with a dog-eared glossy hand out sheet… glanced at the text, noticed the goofy image of an apple with a bite taken out of the upper right, can’t recall if sheet was in color or B&W… paused, looked at the guy, said no thanks, handed him back his sheet.
Too cheap to rent a space in the show, hitting on folks at quitting time, etc. I was too tired and too “busy” to take time to talk to the guy…
I SWEAR that the ‘guy’ was either Jobs or Woz…
Oh well, right now today, in 2022, there is another “Apple” in its start up phase… all you gotta do is SPOT 'EM!
(Today we hold AAPL; not 20 years, but a nice chunk and happy with the steady curve of the last two years. Anticipate holding ‘forever’, give it to the kids when we’re done.)
I also came in a while after the IPO, maybe late '80s, plopped down $8K I was frittering away, and resist all the dips, rises, so also a nice ROI…
Made up for nasty losses in LU, where I’d dumped a lot more in, only to watch it drain to zip… Never invest in where you work, particularly where top dogs are not interested in long term goals…
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